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    D W

    Agreed. That’s the kind of slippery slope logic which leads into thought crime, which creates presumptions that any artist who create extreme content of any kind as depraved perverts in the making. It’s the same logic that has boomers thinking long term exposure to videogames causes violence.

    Agreed, but honestly, that’s more of a case of using an actress’s likeness in a way she didn’t consent, like what David Cage did with Ellen Page in Beyond Two Souls’s shower scene.

    How is that dumb? The reason real child porn is illegal is because it’s impossible to produce without harming the kids. There’s no one to protect by banning drawings and/or arresting the artists doing so. If that was the case, all of those artists who made Simpsons incest porn should have been arrested long ago. I’ve

    Not likely, since no actual children were exploited to make it.

    Now playing

    Ssuddenly, this scenario doesn’t seem so farfetched, lol

    Fortnite kids: “Apex is a dead game that had its chance and blew it.”

    Bottom line, it’s a bad sign when the biggest topic of MK11 discussions is the insufferable grind. Plus, this is Warner Bros. Did everyone forget about how Shadow of War’s loot boxes made for a fundamentally worse game? When developer Monolith finally removed them, they had to spend months rebalancing the game,

    In an article showing genuine concern about Sakurai’s health, this is when you decided that ranting about Waluigi’s exclusion? Seriously?

    Honestly, this defensively minded game would have been better appreciated in mid season, or as part of the playoffs. As a Superbowl, it’s uneventful viewing. It’s not the type of game to show off after two weeks of pre-game hype. Eagles-Patriots was perfect for that, last year. This? Not so much.

    Hearing about AssCreed: Odyssey makes me appreciate Horizon Zero Dawn all the more. It’s the least stressful open world game I’ve played in years, because it managed to avoid the trappings of many UbiSoft open world titles.

    It’s actually worse than that. The NRA are spinning together more mystical sounding bullshit to justify Roberson’s death. Via Twitter:


    It you really want to get technical, the purgatory thing happened AFTER everyone died, whether it was before or during the show’s events or in the future - which was, in Hurley and Ben’s case, many years later - and that’s when they all met up at the flash sideways timeline to reunite. What’s clear is that the island

    I’d say The Walking Dead is the bigger insult.

    I don’t think DC needed to emulate Marvel to succeed. They just needed to find their own voice without going grimdark all the time. Wonder Woman was a testament to that. However, since WB chose the Justice League route, you’re absolutely correct about DC needing to take their damn time. It would not guarantee success,

    2008, as well as 2012 with Avengers and Dark Knight Rises, makes a great case on how Marvel and DC can co-exist with tonally different superhero movies. I expected nothing from Iron Man, only to be totally surprised by the end of the movie, while The Dark Knight more than lived up to the incredible hype. Whichever one

    Hah. That reminds me of conversations about the horror medium with my girlfriend. She’s a much bigger film horror buff than I am. She always seems annoyed with my lack of interest in them, but is equally perplexed at my tendency to play horror games. I told her that having a sense of control actually brought me a

    I feel like Alone in the Dark has aged very poorly, and that Resident Evil 1 (even the original version) did everything AitD attempted far better. It may have started the horror game tropes, but so many games have surpassed it, AitD doesn’t resonate with any fans of the genre anymore. I could be wrong, but the lack of

    Resident Evil 1 REmake? Hell yes. Dead Space 1 and Resident Evil 2? Jump scares at its best and most surprising. Bloodborne? Definitely. Getting captured into the Hypogean Gaol part of Yar’Ghul is one of the scariest parts of any game I remember. I’ll even add Dark Souls 3 to that one, which has a much creepier and