
And I thought I was imagining that Alexa has become worse at voice recognition, glad to read I might be right after all.

I really hope it’s fake because that plot twist is terrible. 

As is usual, the most boring explanation is also the most likely one.

It’s planned to reach speed greater than 0.5 m/s (that’s metres) so high speed it’s not.

This is another one of those headlines where I initially think “that’s nice” then promptly forget about it as it probably won’t ever be made.

Seems like a bunch of other movies cut and paste together.

Amongst the many things that are blatantly wrong about this article, reframing Pernilla Augusts inability to act as an “understated performance” takes the cake. The race and the fight against Darth Maul are the only decent things about this movie, the rest always was and still is garbage.

I’m not usually as anti-slideshow as many commenters here, but this one felt more pointless than usual, especially with the uninformative photos attached. 

He said “mostly”. Look up the word as you obviously don’t understand. I suppose it’s easier to just bitch and hope those internet points you think you accrue mean something. By the way, they don’t.

I mean it’s hardly a great ad but I don’t understand the controversy at all. Online people must have nothing better to do.

Totally agree. Star Wars was always about good vs evil. What they are trying to do now misses the point. Just because in the surface it looks a bit edgy doesn’t mean it is.

That’s easy, it’s because it’s lazy.

To be honest they were all in the wrong movie.

This shows that he takes personal pride in everything he does, and I can respect that. There was a lot of wasted potential in that movie.

This is some specious reasoning. Humans are related to tree shrews but no one is suggesting they are even remotely as smart as humans.

COVID certainly played a role but Barbie and Oppenheimer both had huge audiences, so if people are interested in the movie they will go.

You dismiss audience fatigue then posit it as a reason for lowered box office. The Russo’s are also showing professional courtesy by not blaming the writers, but the whole Kang saga, for a start, was a misfire. I think it will end up being a mix of reasons, since nothing is as simple as we’d sometimes like.

When the Hawkeye series was announced it was wrongly assumed that this part of his story would be addressed, and I think would have made a far better show than the one they released.

They had a chance of dealing with the Hawkeye thing but instead squandered it (like a lot of other things), and Thanos sort of “came back” so no foul there (I’m being a bit flippant on that one).

The premise seems decent enough but I’m more put off by J Lo’s casting. I don’t think her acting skills are very strong.