
So you proved Jessie Stoker is right.

IF that ever happens then you call the police. And God help them if even one of the programmers admits to liking Harry Potter. 

That makes two people! That's still not a popular list.

I didn’t realize these articles needed fanboy trigger warnings.

They aren’t against diversity, I think they have been pretty explicit about that.

Funny how everyone loses their sense of humor when it’s them that get made fun of.

This isn’t unreasonable, in fact Gizmodo did this and fired their in-house translators.

You are of course right, but lets not forget that despite the anti AI vibe these sites have, Gizmodo fired human translators and are now using AI to translate their pieces.

This is of course childish nonsense. Fortnight was, for a time, costing more than it was bringing in.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a warped worldview you have. Aren’t you a bit old to be of the mindset that all men except me are bad? Seek professional help.

This is some weapons grade bullshit. Equating everything to rape diminishes the seriousness of the crime.

What Kotaku has conveniently left out is that the charges only start when revenue is over $200k AND over 100k unique installs in a month. Now if you want to argue that the fee structure is overly complicated then fair enough, that is a discussion worth having.

Ash Parrish’s tweet makes him come across like a huge douchebag. I wonder if he’d be so against this if it’s for a game based on Harry Potter? It’s also a problem with the left wing reactionaries.

Because Kotaku got singled out by a bunch of developers for being idiotic. This is their version of payback.

Systemic violence tactic”. What the actual fuck are you on?

Apparently Disney is trying to work out a way to find Nautilus “a new home”, whatever that means.

This isn’t necessarily true. Don’t forget that Bearers are dehumanized shunned by nearly everybody, making their enslavement seem justified by the general populace. Enslaving regular people would almost certainly not be tolerated by the majority.

No. Effects should be good and the people doing it shouldn’t be overworked. This isn’t an either/or situation.

FFS, this couldn’t be a more Kotaku.l reply. For a start, how do you know the poster isn’t Chinese?

The point is that I have no idea who most of these characters are. All I watched was an admittedly good-looking show. You absolutely do have to have watched Rebels if you are going to enjoy this as a dramatic show and not as shallow visual art.