
#funny on the IG post would insinuate that he was just fine afterwards...

I personally know a guy who drives for Uber with a Tesla Model S, no special permit required. I don’t see how this is any different than operating a Tesla on public roadways with Autopilot available.

Yikes, I’d NEVER go out on track with someone else before knowing their experience level, especially in a *RACE CAR*. “The encounter was a victory, but we show it as an example of what not to do.”

Reposting a tweet with a racial slur? “Deputy Editor” indeed.

That’s typically not something they would even get to decide, typically. You want a fancy monitor or a wireless mouse? Sure. You want your own email *server*, I better have an e-mail at least CC’d by the CTO.

"My friend has a Nissan Silvia S-15 and he has a plate for it so it must be legal and u r wrong" - Except, my friend actually *does* have one, it is plated, and it's show/display exempted, so :P

My Evo is having a sad right now, since I don't live in NY...

If only it had been "in quotes"...

"Again, Ebola is transmitted through bodily fluids and not the air, healthcare workers would only need to wear gowns, masks, googles, and gloves—rather than full-body suits—to be protected." Goggles*

I just came here to help beat the dead horse...

I'm late to the party, but Ferndale is across the street/touching Detroit; at 8 Mile and Woodward, one side is Ferndale, the other is Detroit. Close enough for me!

Less Portal, more Resident Evil.

You spelled "Bitch" wrong. :)

Someone's been running license plates!

"Engineers have traced the failures to a single component, that happened to be bid and contracted to manufacture by Ferrari S.p.A., based out of Maranello Italy, according to internal memos released by Porsche early Monday morning"

Seeing my Facebook news feed get posted on Jalopnik is a little weird...

You said "It's an issue with fast Mazda's", but the RX-8 is anything but "fast". Perhaps you were thinking of the FD3S RX-7?

No 4G63? I don't even...

Was a great time, ended up chatting with a few of the Jalop writers, and finished in the second group in 3rd, beating most of them in the process. Beer is a mixed bag there, some go quicker after a few some go slower. Promo, who finished 6th in the first group was HAMMERED...

When letting off the throttle in the Genesis (4-cylinder turbo engine), it will hold the RPM up for a fraction of a second when you clutch-in and let off the gas, which makes driving smoothly near impossible. I'm assuming it's an emissions thing, and there is an ECU flash that fixes it in the aftermarket, but it was