
Heh apparently destiny isn't part of that deal even though it's in the header image.

Heh apparently destiny isn't part of that deal even though it's in the header image.

My issue with Dinklage is the entire performance sounds like he phoned it in, and was only putting up with this nonsense because it netted him a hefty paycheck.

It’s like while they were writing they character and thought; “You know what Halo needed? A cortana that sounds disinterested in their mission, too bad we can’t fix that. Hey wait! We can just make the new cortana like AI in our new game be as drull as we wanted in our initial planning of Halo CE!! Well done chaps.

I'm more disturbed by the fox doll than the girls face. Why is that kid carry g that around?!

I can appreciate this strategy in many aspects of my life, not limited to Bears and global warming.

I believe there were three ice age movies? I could be wrong.

I believe you meant “the one that screams ‘check out this new weapon’ the loudest gets the most funding” :P

I ask this as someone who is uninformed on this, but is there a way to obtain tree ring data without killing a tree? Do they go at it like an ice core? I feel like that would have to kill the tree too....

I'd watch this movie.

Ok esports. I may mock you and your place in society, but this rocket league stuff is watchable. There might be nothing better than this soccer meets demolition derby game in terms of watchability.

ADD and ADHD are so common, I'm getting to the point of believing it's misdiagnosis for kids that just can't sit still and quiet for more than 5 minutes because they are so used to having some sort of technology in their hands, and not legitimate learning disabilities.

If MLG or whoever the governing body wants to be taken seriously, they need to draw a line somewhere. Like I said, I personally believe that all participants should be held to a single standard(maybe that wasn’t conveyed correctly it’s past midnight :p) and if they decide to draw that line at all of those, it’s their

I want to say “it’s just games, who cares” but if money is on the line, everyone should be on equal footing in terms of the equipment they are on, and the state their body is in. I have no horse in the race, and think very lowly of “esports” in general, but everyone should be held to some kind of standard in a

Personally I’d say their best stuff was done in “haste”. See HotS

File this under “Texan struggles with Humor”

I’m male and I don’t personally enjoy using mic communication unless I am playing with friends. I just hate kids screaming in my ears for the entirety of a match spouting racism and profanity.

Damn I didn't account for the remake creating new fans while alienating older fans.....now I'm in a real pickle.

I ask this not out of malice or any sort of contempt; do you have any formal education or training? Like a degree from University or a trade skill? If so are jobs really hard to come by in the UK that were in your area of expertise? Or are you like me just going from retail to retail job. I'm 27 in the states and not

Star Trek first contact theory. I'm ok with this

I hope they change so much it angers gamers into never asKing for a remake or remaster of another game and forces devs to stop releasing the same game over and over again.