Somoans are really good football players. Others are great. Like Terrell.
Somoans are really good football players. Others are great. Like Terrell.
“An older black gentleman just looked at me from a few seats away and said ‘Jesus. Lord Jesus.’”
I love (hate) reading the over-the-top public proclamations of love between married couples that actually despise each other.
This is just an attempted workaround in order to avoid the word ‘divorce’ when it’s still the same result. My ex wanted to stay together forever without getting married (which is cool if you’re into it), with this bogus logic: “If I get married and divorced, I’ll be just like my parents.” So I dumped him, and it…
I really, really, don’t understand the need to get married if you don’t believe in marriage as it is. We’re in 2015. It’s not as if you NEED to be married to have kids, a fulfilling life, etc. There are common-laws unions (or whatever the equivalent in USA... or do you have an equivalent??) for a reason, yo.
More and more eyewitness testimony is coming in from those who escaped the terrorist attacks that occurred on…
honey, that’s commuting in every city. but a+ for appropriate visuals.
You win the competition, you get my vote and my sympathy. What a vile story.
I don’t understand who the hell these people are giving/getting blowjobs at Redskins games and fucking on buses and such. How do these people exist in society?
this story is beyond belief. I cannot believe it.
16th Street BART is always a shit show but this dude really elevated the game that day.
On a visit to NYC a few years ago my friend and I took the subway to get to his parents from our hotel. I suggested we just take a cab because I didn’t want to chance riding with bums and weirdos. My friend chastised me to not be a pussy. We get on the train and the car we are in is moderately full but still some…
“Jesus, Lord Jesus” is my favorite part of that story. I can just imagine one of uncles saying exactly that with a look of bewilderment and pity on his face.
I posted this before under a different username in a similar thread on Jezebel, but I’ll leave it here as well:
Yes. Yes they do. Also people in DC who stand on the left side of the escalator, we call them “Escalefters” and there is a special place in hell for them.
True depiction of commuting in London
Do the people who stop and check their cell phones on the subway stairs count?
When I lived in NYC, around early 2004, I was taking the L train back from Lorimer to the East Village. On the same train car, no exaggeration: Homeless man walks into center of the L train, drops his pants and takes a shit on the subway car floor. No one even batted an eyelash.