
Yeah, I’ll probably be running through my first class on my pally. Nothing like that fresh expansion, new dungeon feeling. Though if you pug it, you will STILL get people who get pissed at you for not speedrunning the thing or knowing a fight literally the day the thing was released.

Even games with high acclaim aren’t going to work for everybody, and that’s fine. I’ve hated games that everybody loved and loved games that everybody hated.

Just so long as someone doesn’t go crazy by saying a game is objectively shit because they don’t like it or saying someone is objectively shit because they don’t

I am psyched for Samurai. The DPS queues are going to be epic for some time to come, though.

There’s also the rumors of a possible port of Pokemon Sun/Moon to Switch this month, I really hope Nintendo surprises me soon by not surprising me, i.e. doing some random junk no-one asked for like turning the 1-2 Switch cow milking minigame into a monthly subscription MMO.

Let me also repeat a very rare opinion that you’ve certainly never heard that I also wish they’d remaster Sunshine or put it on the virtual console, as it’s the only big 3D Mario game that’s kind of difficult to get a hold of and play.

I’m pretty sure she won’t even tell you her full name until later.

This seems pretty fair to me. The people that really want the physical edition can get it with an added perk and folks that just want the game and nothing else can go digital.

She says it’s her name because her full name would take too long to say. Her having to explain why she’s insisting on a weird nickname takes longer than if she just introduced herself normally.

I wasn’t initially interested in this....’reboot’, I guess? But I’m starting to get interested, may pick it up down the line.

I’m guessing this version has far less Blue Oyster Cult in it than the first.

I don’t think it’s illegal for them to do that, but it will get them fired. The age limit is company policy I believe and not the law. Ah, here we go.

Even so, the mother bought it for the kid so what’s GameStop going to do? A buddy of mine was an assistant manager for years and it happens all the time. The parents

I imagine somebody thought that was absolutely hilarious and it probably wasn’t you.

How did the people who played Fallout 4 for 100 hours and said it was a piece of garbage justify this?

“I put in 100 hours and then it finally clicked that this game was the worst piece of shit ever created in the medium.”

“I hated the game the whole way through, but I put up with it for 100 hours hoping it’d get

Reddit is just the internet, with all the good and bad that entails. There are perfectly reasonable subreddits and terrible ones.

That’s because telling someone to go kill themselves to their face is something an obnoxious petulant teenager does. Telling someone to go kill themselves on the internet is STILL something a petulant obnoxious teenager does, only there’s communities of petulant obnoxious teenagers around to validate that behavior so

The top five on this list are absolutely baffling, it just is such a random jumble.

So this time we actually want the white dude to win instead of the short-haired blonde woman?

I’m sorry, it’s true. At least you can find comfort in the fact that you’ll never have to climb that tower again!

As Renbo said, you can cycle through the floors on the Havarl world map. The floors look like a stack of squares. It’s possible that you never landed the station when you were up there if you didn’t walk up

There’s a forward station at the top of that tower, man! You can just fast travel back up!

Unfortunately although many now give you the option, sometimes they aren’t designed to have markers turned off. They don’t have the mission guy actually tell you how to get there or have any other methods of doing so from what you’re given.

The way quest markers have gone out of control reminds me of a quote from

It’s like the day after the election all over again. People casually wishing death and rusty knife rape(!) on people that disagree with them politically. The kind of thing that they’d get outraged over and demand someone’s life be completely ruined for if a conservative tweeted it about someone they like.