
The VPC, a very pro gun control org, put firearm industry contributions at something like 10 million a year between 2005 and 2011, and that’s the highest estimate. In 2013 alone the NRA took in 350 million dollars.

Their claim is blatantly untrue and easily proven false with just a small bit of googling.

“...but the NRA is almost entirely funded by firearms manufacturers who want to...”

There are a lot of things to attack the NRA for. For instance, Ted Nugent is still on the board and he is a terrible person. They also refused to defend Philando Castile.

However, what you just said is absolutely untrue. The VPC, a pro

How in the hell is what you’re suggesting any different from the anti-black assholes that point at crime statistics for a ‘rational’ reason to be afraid of black men?

“Young black men are more likely to mug me than other demographics, how dare you tell me to trust them all just because it makes them feel subhuman when

I run into situations often enough where I could meet someone I’m a fan of, but I have no desire to actually do so. What the hell have I got to say to someone like, say, Sean Bean that he hasn’t heard a billion times? (Beyond, “Sean, we’re not killing you off this time.” That joke is exactly why I and I’m sure Sean

Maybe, but the way Nintendo does profiles on the Switch makes this less tedious a workaround than it’d be on other systems. You can pick a profile /before/ you launch the game and there’s no tedious log in function so it’s like you’re picking a save slot before the game launches.

I’m pretty sure this stuff does happen everywhere, but you only hear about it from Florida in such lurid detail because of our Sunshine law regarding public communications. In any other state this would probably have been far more vague and thus not as interesting for people to pass around.

Her most virulent detractors, the edgy teenagers that sent her rape and death threats and attempted to ruin her life with whatever petty power they could leverage over her from behind their keyboards, are the ones that ensured she became as popular as she did. Anyone who disapproves of her work shouldn’t be blaming

They do it because it shows off blatant hypocrisy from the left and the right loves it, especially since that dynamic tends to flow in the other direction so much more often. The people shouting down these speakers and resorting to physical violence are giving the right a tremendous gift every time they do it - and

No, it isn’t. You were saying the ‘free speech’ people would come in here agitating over it, ostensibly over this situation. Oddly enough, the ‘free speech’ people aren’t actually mindless evil monsters who have no idea what they’re talking about, they have reasons for why they do what they do and none of them are

Except this isn’t in response to a political opinion, it was just a guy shouting nigger over and over again in anger. I’m pretty sure if, wherever you work, you decided you yell nigger repeatedly for 30 seconds straight when something pissed you off that you’d get fired and absolutely nobody has a problem with that,

They have entire communities on reddit dedicated to gifs of old women baking pastries and titling them like Redtube videos, because that is high-quality humor. 15,000 subscribers.

Also, isn’t that just one kinda small thread? I think, ‘An entire community dedicated to finding this guy’ is a bit of an overstatement.

The Jontron thing was an entirely different situation. This guy didn’t espouse any white supremacist-leaning political opinions, he just got caught screaming nigger over and over again in a rage. He acted incredibly stupidly and unprofessionally and he has suffered the consequences, which he isn’t fighting because his

You could dismiss the concern for just about anything regarding video games with this logic.

Who’s really engaging in the more frivolous action, anyway? Them, complaining about people rage quitting in a game they like or you, going into a thread about something you explicitly don’t care about and complaining about

Did this specific incident happen three years ago or are you just assuming everybody’s going to react the same way to this as they did, say, the Jontron debacle?

This is social outrage happening as it should with the appropriate amount of consequences and the guy that started it has sincerely apologized and accepted

Holy shit, is that JCX guy literally a ten year old boy? “This is GTA, why don’t you go play a game for GIRLS!”

This guy wasn’t even advocating a non-PC political opinion, he had the most unprofessional kind of outburst you can possibly have and people have gotten canned for far less. I can only see someone really dyed-in-the-wool alt-right pulling a free speech card here since the guy himself isn’t even disagreeing with the

I think the idea is that the titans’ ridiculous designs, even the way they move, makes them seem like a joke but they do terrifying things. It makes the deaths people suffer by them even more lacking in dignity and just makes everything even more horrific because of it. That’s how it hits me, at least. These titans

I don’t think the game says whether Link reciprocated in either case, so perhaps it’s merely an unresolved love triangle.

Well, my evidently poorly communicated point there is that pretty much no-one is invoking the above strawman the OP of this thread has constructed because even the guy who did this isn’t defending himself.

Apparently killing monsters raises the chance of seeing it. I just gave up the camp after probably a good month and just did a bunch of other stuff, then rushed back when I finally saw a blood moon.