
I can only imagine he’s a teenager who’s deliberately ‘trolling’ and is now congratulating himself about what a genius he is that he posted something incredibly stupid on the internet and people then called it stupid. He posted something dumb and people treated him like he was an idiot, he manipulated all of you

At first I was wary of the item degradation mechanic, but it’s grown on me. I think I may prefer Skyward Sword’s system of letting you use the items you find to get permanent gear upgrades, but it’s nice to try new things now and again and I’ve adapted to the breakable weapons. They throw so many at you. You’re

The harder lynels have way too much goddamned HP. I went at one of those guys with a sword of duality and his health barely moved, then he one-shot me with his sword even though I have 20 hearts.


I figured the Gerudo section would be a bit of a minefield with the crossdressing and also how a good chunk of Gerudo Town’s population is all about them looking for mates. There’s the ‘Voe and You’ classroom segments and the drunk woman at the bar who is crying over the various ways she’s been rejected. ‘What do you

I thought Daruk’s VO nailed it, too.

My issue with Zelda and Mipha are that they’re both so soft-spoken and mumbly that I can barely understand what they’re saying most of the time, but maybe that’s my TV’s fault.

I don’t understand the people doing that, if they are. Being an anti-hype contrarian is not a thing he always does but he is well known for it. It’d be like being outraged that Yahtzee doesn’t 100% love it. That’s his shtick.

And she has a huge laser elephant.

Upgrade Stasis, you can literally run right past them.

The best era in Nintendo shop music was when they released Twilight Princess HD and the eshop music was replaced with the Malo Mart music for awhile.

I found a pretty amusing joke cover someone once did for a SomethingAwful contest I think, where they did a cover of Sound of Silence in the style of....Dragonforce. This is the only place I could find it (warning: autoplays)

Nintendo really missed an opportunity by not making it a pack in.

The PS3 was also literally twice the price, not counting inflation. The Switch is getting plenty of shit for its launch titles, but crucified? It’s better than the Wii U’s launch at least.

“quacking in its boots”

Isn’t canadian bacon just taylor ham?

“I am a subscriber of something I like to call minimalist anachronism, or anarchism for lazy people.”

Well I guess the guy is Swedish but anarchism and anachronism are two different things. Maybe he supports lazy people dressing up in Victorian clothing? It can’t hurt, right?

I’m glad they made it just so I don’t have to hear any more Duke Nukem Forever jokes. They’ve been replaced with Half-Life 3 jokes but what are you gonna do I guess.

I can’t keep up with what the kids call a meme these days. They made a random prog rock song a meme? It’s not even a bad one, it’s got incredible friggin’ bass work!

Looks like Billy Ray went a little Weird Al Jed Clampett there: