
It’s alright. It was definitely my takeaway that ME3 was great, except for the last 15 minutes. It’s a pretty common saying. The extended cut helped a bit and especially the Citadel DLC finally let you say goodbye to all of these characters properly. Maybe if it weren’t Mass Effect, if it were just one game that

I can kind of see his point. If I were in the husband’s situation I’d have dropped her ASAP and moved on, because I cannot forgive that level of betrayal. However, the time to make that choice is right about when it happens or very soon thereafter. Staying with her and toughing it out and still blaming her after ten

Sure, there were plenty of overreactions but they weren’t all overreactions. The indoctrination theory was just people trying to cope with the ending they were given, after 3 games with many many choices building up to a climax. They refused to believe it could have been a brand new character offering you 3 ending

Lego City: Undercover is way different from the usual fare because of its open world for me. I probably put many hours into the thing when it was the only good game at the start of the Wii U’s lifecycle, it’s pretty much Lego Grand Theft Auto. It’s not just a series of linear levels (though it does have those for

I’m agreeing with the mentality that the initial launch is pretty much only intended to sell to the hardcore Nintendo types and that they just want their supply issues settled by the time the holidays arrive when the console’s position is far stronger. I’m buying a Switch at launch because I just have to and it’s

I was there, I lived it, I was in the trenches as masses of folks started finishing ME3. The disappointment was nearly universal, mine amongst it. With time, the extended cut and the Citadel/Leviathan DLCs the pain has dulled for me but right when it happened it was pretty raw. It came completely out of nowhere,

Recommending you because even if I don’t quite agree, it’s an interesting perspective.

I still watch, things are less zany and far more polished so I like his show in a different way but I still like it. He’s still very thorough, still gets chuckles out of me and pretty fair so I enjoy him taking the games apart analytically.

I can understand him just not wanting to bring it up. If they both put

I thought they just wanted to make beer. And we’re never going to know how that Xbox One sharing thing was going to work out. Maybe it would’ve been cool, but maybe they only would’ve been timed demos. I was willing to see, but the internet takes no prisoners.

I was actually concerned with how I worded that. I completely agree with you, calling does work. It’s a fact. I said what I said in a kind of sarcastic way (Look what the internet has accomplished!), but not THAT kind of sarcastic way to imply what you were saying was fruitless, y’know?

How about Greg leaving the Completionist? Maybe he was annoying, but it’s just not quite the same anymore.

People complaining on the internet kind of fixed the ME3 ending, the Xbox One and Tracer’s butt. Surely they can fix the Senate.

That’s unexpected but I definitely appreciate it. I’m not going to act like I’ve been level-headed toward you 100% of the time either and sometimes I’ve gotten nowhere near close to that 100%, but most of the time I’m really just trying to have a fair and civil discussion.

I also meant what I said about your posts

The current system incentivizes the Party First mentality, so much so that moderate Republicans are hesitant to call out the more extremist factions lest their entire party suffer for it. And I’m not quite sure it’ll end up destroying the Republican party as we’ve only seen Democrats lose ground to them over the last

A lot of the libertarians I know, at the very least, are 100% for the government’s role with courts and enforcing contract law. A popular reasoning is that corporations are as powerful as they are today precisely because they can lobby the government for favorable laws and regulations and make it more difficult for

Is that the German translator equivalent of whenever an anime fansub says, ‘’Baka’ means ‘idiot’?

Neo-cons outnumbered reasonable conservatives before and now they’ve got Trumpists to deal with. Until the party gets fractured I don’t see it happening and since First Past The Post heavily discourges third party or independent candidates that means that Republicans know that fracturing means losing their political

When it’s not related to politics, he’s typically fine. That’s the really funny thing about Kotaku sometimes, I’ll have guys calling me a neo-nazi sympathizer in one thread and just engage in a cordial talk about the Switch with them in another post.

Politics, though, is just a shithole at the moment (even more than

I don’t want to dogpile on the guy, either, despite my recent tussles with him. I’ll admit what he was doing at first was fair enough. There are a lot of situations where someone says something blatantly incendiary and it got pushed to the top, has people arguing for pages in the comments. Awareness of the dismissal

There’s plenty of different brands of libertarianism, some are quite fine with gilded age robber barons and some aren’t. Go over to any libertarian forum and easily half of what goes on there is people bickering about who is a ‘real’ libertarian, who is more ‘pure’ in their ideology. Left media typically just paints