
I figure it’s because it’s pretty edgy, but not too edgy. Most jewish people I’ve known in my life were pretty much just white people with a different religion and maybe a weird last name, so they’re about as different to me as a Canadian is. Except Canadians are even weirder. So I don’t think actual anti-semitic

It’ll be over when the dogpiling isn’t fun anymore, I wager.

Yeah, did they actually poll 24 companies or 23 companies and a corpse?

Exactly. I did the same thing, and my life has been changed forever. I barely use any toilet paper any more because I need so little, and I can be confident that there’s nothing left behind. An analogy I read before: If you put your hand in a pile of crap, would you just wipe it off with a towel?

Budgets, complexity and inflation have ballooned and games are still worth 60 bucks. Why is this such a sacred, immutable number? If people like you weren’t so steadfastly opposed to the prospect of a 70 or even 80 dollar game, they wouldn’t need to tack on this extra stuff to charge for it.

So I called Jman out for the fact that he dismissed me just last week for disagreeing with him, and I really should’ve seen this coming, but he then dismissed me for disagreeing with him. So, take his self-righteous anti-bigotry stuff as seriously as you’d like - I certainly don’t buy it.

So Jman, as much as I’d like to continue this discussion I can’t really do it if you’re going to dismiss me for replying. So you have a nice night.

...did you really dismiss me for that? Man, you are really something.

I also have the option to read these articles and be a big ol’ complaining compainer if I feel like offering my opinion on the matter. They can either not give a shit about my opinions or give one, most likely the former, but I’ll keep on giving them. I don’t see your point. I’m sure you’d like me to shut up because

“You know, they have the right to post whatever they want on this site”

And they can go ahead and ban me if they don’t like my opinion. I’m not calling for the FBI to shut them down when they get off topic, I just personally don’t like it when they get ridiculously  off topic and so I’m pretty free to voice my

I’m perfectly fine with Kotaku’s politics articles when they actually involve games or the game industry, like this one.

Lightning doesn’t choose to strike. It is simply a consequence of the right conditions. It has no capacity to reason whether it should strike or not. Human beings do.

This guy didn’t punch Spencer because it was ‘in his nature’, he did it because he CHOSE to. Spencer has spouted his stuff multiple times in public and

You dismissed me the other day just for disagreeing with you and I doubt I’ve been the only one. If your dismissal evangelism started as a way to shut down bigots because the mods won’t, you’ve since applied it to anyone not toeing the party line as well.

I definitely misunderstood that part.

Yeah, I definitely read that part incorrectly. My bad.

Even so, I think the distinction is still important and he has a history of not understanding that.

Here’s the problem:

“Even if well intentioned.”

Trolls, by definition, are not well intentioned. People that are genuinely trying to have a discussion with an opinion you don’t like aren’t trolls. That’s not how that works. Sure, you got a guy spouting bullshit and insults and not trying to engage, that’s a troll. But

How is this different from whenever there’s a big left-wing protest and there’s a minority of looters/rioters and the right-wing blames the left-wing for it and makes it out like they’re responsible for the actions of a few bad actors, and the left-wing goes #NotAllProtestors?

Why is the right-wing doing that wrong

Histrionics and insults aside, if I understand correctly what your core argument is, is that Spencer was responsible for what happened because he chose to engage in something that he knew would anger people, which increases the risk of someone taking a swing at him.

I don’t see how this is a particularly helpful

I hope so, I’m just nervous Nintendo is just going to squander the opportunity. The only news of a traditionally handheld title going fully to the Switch I’ve heard is Fire Emblem, and that was pretty much the whole announcement. If I start hearing things about a Pokemon title or Monster Hunter then I think it’ll be

No, now that ‘Nazi’ is way, way more well known than before and is encouraging his supporters to arm themselves. His supporters had a persecution complex they’ve made up to justify their behavior and that punch just validated it.

Condoning political violence and the violent acts of anti-fascists one week and then a