Ugh, Kinja'ed again.

KGB put their watermark in about the worst place. Very hard to make out the stance. It could either be bloated or sexy based on where the bottom is. Autoblog has a full gallery (sorry Jalop)…

Jeez, a couple minutes in a woman starts singing and I swear it was coming from next to me. Either my laptop is possessed or that music was.

Gone, also, are any vents or scoops. Ford chief designer J Mays says there will be none of that for this new edition.


I do.

This could go two ways. Decent install = Nice Price all the way. Driveway install with duct tape and bailing wire, Crack Pipe till the cows come home. Sometimes it just ain't worth the trouble.

Waiting for the "but it's faster in the slalom then an M5!!!" comment.


LOVE LOVE LOVE this car. I had a Turbo Coupe back in the day myself and it still stands to be one of my favorite cars.

Hey if Dexter can survive boating into a hurricane, this should be a piece of cake.

After installing the Face2Face plugin and then logging back into Facebook, I was told that I was a a target of a spam attempt and possibly entered information about myself to a third party (this was the Facebook message stating all of this). Mind you I was using Facebook (how I ended up at this article) right before

Wow, 48 votes so far and 100% NP. Think we got a winner here folks.

I've had a SBC in mine for 15 years now. Considering Fiero's don't actually have a rear-end (they have transaxles, which yes...are re-used in these transplants), and they've never whimpered even has a good chance of being just fine.

9/10 would buy.

What do Vipers of that vintage generally go for?

He said they sold their first 2014 Grand Cherokee. They just started arriving at dealerships. People harped on the new smiley face fascia a few months ago when it was introduced (hence why he mentioned it looks much better in person). Made sense to me?

That was ........uninspiring. One gentleman complained about the weight vs. horsepower. But you just SHOWED him the car. That is supposed to negate his concerns? At least the drummer was cool...but very out of place and bored looking.

Wow, that has not aged as well as I had hoped it would.

Chrysler ME-412 Was supposed to go to production, but Dr. Zetsche performed a late term abortion (supposedly)