Very Nice!....bit too far for me though (NY - Westchester)

Your pic is broken. Where are you located? Might be interested.

For a Fastback Fiero with T-Tops that is a pretty damn good price. I'd gladly pay that and get rid of the horrid customizations myself.

I understand Formula4speed's rationale. She wasn't blocking traffic because legally they could not drive any faster. I'm sure we've all seen how everyone acts when there's a cop in the middle of a group of cars. Everyone drives the speed limit, afraid to pass the cop. In her case, she still should have moved over

After the crash, all I could hear the driver saying was "Linguine! Spaghetti! Pasta Fagioli!"

300 comes standard with leather in addition to all the other comments.

I would almost argue the BMW has none at all.

Do I see a hint of Bangle butt?

Ram sells more to business fleet then retail.

Don't the taillights have built in vents from the trans (or something)? What happens to that with this kit?

Too soon. 15 that a row of seats?

Here ya go......

I have it on my iPhone, iPad and Macbook. I've never had any lag issues on my Mac. When I get a message, the alert is almost simultaneously across all my devices. I use it A LOT.

More like "Dexter" Kirk.

It uses the camera flash, something the 3GS does not have... hence, no setting for you.

The Ford Ranger GT

That's the new built-in Instagram filter. DUH!!!! "Features NOT Bugs!"

Tell him to zoom in on the map now that we know the general area.

I bow in his presence. Best use of muddy water in a vehicular retaliation. He gets 7 points.