Dad here as well.. When my daughter was a few months old we went to a family softball game... someone hit a foul ball pop fly... I ran to the stroller and caught the ball right above my daughters head.. I was the hero of the day.
Dad here as well.. When my daughter was a few months old we went to a family softball game... someone hit a foul ball pop fly... I ran to the stroller and caught the ball right above my daughters head.. I was the hero of the day.
Air Miles are awesome, they can be used to score free flights, hotel stays and if you’re really lucky, the scorn and…
Prefered if available. At home is a must. And wifi have a vulnerability.
There was an episode of TNG called "Time's Arrow." In the episode, the crew meets Samuel Clemens in the 1800s in San Francisco, and he inadvertently ends up getting quite a good look at what the future holds as far as technology goes.
In the episode, there is a hotel bell boy that seems to be at Clemens' beck and call.…
It also helps with the backlighting of murderous alien musculature.
General Grievous
Speaking as a runner, the key is that anything is better than nothing. I don't care if you're running, walking, cycling, rollerblading, playing soccer, taking aerobics classes or any of the other multitude of activities. Just get your blood pumping somehow for your health. The best activity for your health is the one…