
I’ll leave this here...

Just imagine the look on your poor companion trying to keep up.

Between this, Diablo, and Hearthstone, Blizzard has become frighteningly good at loot container opening porn. Their next game will probably be called Open These Sweet-Ass Boxes, and I will spend several thousand dollars on it.

They’re probably busy photoshopping some planes* onto a runway at this very moment, to be used on the front page of their main news paper to showcase how their air force is ready to destroy the capitalist powers...or something.

Despite their age, F-16's still look the part. Lethal.

Tanks on trains isn’t a big issue, just roll up a bunch of flatcars and drive the whole column on: that a tape deck I see in there?

Looks like they’re getting some fake-hardware propaganda tips from their financiers in Iran.

I dunno man, that looks like it’s based on the tried but true Wheels-N-Track system Hasbro perfected back in the 80s...

Somebody needs to step up their fake tank game.

My thick fog tip:

USS America should’ve painted the pigs with numbers 1, 2, and 4. Leave the Kennedy crew looking for pig 3.

It’s not a big deal, except that it is. Because one of these days it will be a hostile action. And we won’t be ready for it, because we’ve been trained to be ‘tolerant’ of them operating right on top of us. Kinda exactly how the USS Cole situation went down. Oh they’re just small boats, they buzz us all the time.

A colonic boom, as it were

Dear Navy,

Chris Christie clearing his colon?

They’re hiding the X2's best kept secret...

I don't know, I kind of just poured my martini into the socket.