Six seasons and a movie

I’m just so glad that Elsie is back and still alive and I really hope she stays that way and goes on to have many adventures before retiring peacefully.

I wasn’t aware that The Exorcist was still one the air after the first season.

Jose Chung’s From Outer Space

I think 1+1 is 1 or 1+1 makes 11.

I tried to get into this show. The concept was not bad but the plot moved really slow and I actually didn’t like most of the characters that much. Plus I wasn’t that thrilled to find out at the end of the first episode that this was going to be a town-cut-off-from-the-world show.

And here I thought they were finally going to reveal that Jughead was a ghost the whole time.

Isn’t that usually just called an Epilogue?

In her very first appearance in NYX. And it later turned out in one of her origin minis that she had to resort to that because Captain America tossed her out on the street.

As long as they don’t turn her into an underage prostitute they’ll be lightyears ahead of the comics.

Thats all well and good but when are they going to reveal that Jughead was a ghost the whole time?

A poggling of porgs

So not only did they take away the only black characters primary role (Mike was the original chronicler of town history) but now they also want to turn him into a junkie. Fuck that bullshit.

This might be off topic but in what universe did the Hyperion Cantos have anything resembling a “satisfying and ambitious conclusion” ?

Just when I didn’t think there were any reasons left to hate the Bayformers movies more than I already did.

Maybe some day we will see the future adventures of Kira and her cousins.

My internal and external reaction to this episode was basically HOLY SHIT FUCK YEAH over and over again.

Her reaction should be to punch him in the face because she thinks he’s obviously been replaced by an evil twin. Or ask him if he is high.

Barbara will become proto Harley and she will team up with Jerome, but then she will be killed, for real this time hopefully, and Jerome will have enjoyed having a crazy female partner so much that he will always be on the lookout for a replacement.