Additional possibility, Yellow knows that is was White. However White is holding something over Yellow to keep her complicit in the cover up.

Marvel is too busy turning their icons into Nazis.

That was probably the most emotionally charged awkward toilet conversation ever seen on television.

Damn what have they been feeding that dragon, he’s getting bigger and bigger.

If Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield actually get to be main characters this time I’ll give it a shot.


The Power Rangers marathon on Twitch is done but I still have a few gifs leftover.

The Power Ranger marathon on twitch is still going and I was able to make some gifs

I didn’t give a shit when the movie came out and I don’t give a shit about any of this now.

Ah the Gundam franchise always was the best at setting the gold standard for giving weapons of mass destruction to people with mental problems.

So the Framework is basically Hell. Each character has been placed in their own personal hell and had their perception and memory altered just enough so they don’t notice that they are actually being horribly tormented. I mean come on the Darkhold was not made for making people happy and the Framework came from the

“Why haven’t I shaved off this beard yet?”

It was a solid finale but there was one thing I was waiting for that never came. What is going on with Elsie the software engineer and Stubbs the security guy? They both had significant screen time and they have both gone missing with no direct confirmation that either of them are dead. If the answer does turn out to

I once had a theory that the island from LOST would turn out to be inhabited by robot dinosaurs.