Twice now we’ve seen Bernard flahback to choking Elsie but we still haven’t actually seen her die. I’m wondering if she might still be alive but if she is why is Ford hiding her away

Fuck Bernard’s manpain, I want Elsie back. This means the show has fridged two women in its first season.

So thats what those were.

Karen Gillan in a belly shirt was the first thing that made me at all interested in this movie. Don’t you judge me. Okay maybe I can stand a little judgement.

I hope people won’t judge me too harshly but seeing Karen Gillan in a belly shirt is the first thing that has made me even remotely interested in this movie.

God damn it! I like Janina Gavankar, now I’m going to have to watch the show again. I was all set to quit but now I have to check it out just in case.

So can Varys teleport of something?

I’ll never forget the episode where he had sex with a computer.

May the blessings of Shark Jesus be upon you in this mission Rob Bricken.

The director’s cut is not as good.

I’m betting on Earth 2 Laurel crossing over to Earth 1.


Is this for real? It sounds like it might be made up. But that art does look pretty authentic.

That face Luke Skywalker made at the end just screamed, “what the hell is this kid doing on my lawn?”

“Make it seem more like Guardians of the Galaxy, people liked that movie way more than our last one.”

I actually found Gordon and Penguins muder of Galvan kind of anti-climatic.

I think these look pretty good. Although I am curious about what happened to Stargirl’s shorts.

I’m guessing in order for Tommy to absorb a power he must make direct skin to skin contact. But I don’t remember if Hiro ever actually touched his skin directly as a baby and it will not surprise me if Tommy inexplicably absorbs a power later without skin contact.

I thought maybe the station computer hologram lady was going to be behind it all. Like the Morpheus process inadvertently created a new life form and the computer turned evil and found some way to interface with them and hijacked the Sandmen and was using them to destroy humanity. I think that would have made more

I predict that Barbara will survive but when she wakes up she will have amnesia and not remember murdering her parents or going crazy or basically anything after she broke up with Jim Gordon. And I bet becuase she has amnesia the entire police force will conveniently forget that she took part in a major crime spree