
Just because I live my life around the current situation, doesn't mean that I LIKE it. I'm just saying that my life won't change because I was ahead of the curve and already operate with the assumption that I'm being monitored online.

You can do group chats with Voxer, too. I use it all the time; you just have to add the other people into the conversation.

That's kind of my point.

So this ad is a lie... just not the lie we thought it was. Plausible.

Maybe I didn't explain it the right way and for that, I apologize. What I meant was, that you are either going to exercise your right to free speech and post whatever you want, then deal with the consequences... or you're not going to post it because you don't want them to see it. You're not actually giving up your

Personally, I don't care to much for negative consequences. Knowing that there are possible consequences is one of the primary reasons to NOT post illegal activities online. Is it REALLY worth going to jail over that "420 blaze it" post? Or the "LOL robbing my neighbor" post? How about the "75 in a 50. #F***ThePolice"

Are you trying to impose your values on my freedom? Seems a little odd.

With freedom comes responsibility. Also, if you're doing something illegal, then you are basically waving those freedoms in lieu of privacy. It's your call.


If this ever happened to me, all it would do is make me boycott the establishment.

After having just used the restroom?

Carry on with my life?

So, they're making a video game?

Great. Samsung won that patent battle just in time for all of the affected products to fall off the market as the new models come out. Way to go, guys, keep up the good work.

That looks pretty cool. How much soda is that and what does it cost?

Reality following in fiction's footsteps...

This is more about having fewer things be dirty than about dirtying any particular thing.

Sounds like those problems could be just as easily solved by the carrier as by HTC...

I have no regrets with this post.

Okay, here's the deal; I saw the following image before I saw the article linked above. Out of context, there's nothing funny about it. Even IN context, the humor is limited and rather dark. I want to share it, but I want you to know a bit about what you're in for.