I disagree, I thought it was rather clever.
I disagree, I thought it was rather clever.
I think it's important to note that this hunk o' junk is $160.
Because it's totally possible for the dog to still get through the fence, but it won't because it can't comprehend what is stopping it and that all it needs to do it rotate a little bit at the right angle at the right time.
I was thinking the same thing. I used 5.5GBs last month.
yo dawg.... clutter for your clutter... blah blah blah. You know the drill.
I can't wait for all the "You think THAT'S crazy?!" posts. Should be interesting.
DAMN! You beat me to it! haha!
I have Rhapsody (and, previously, Napster) and I've had this feature for who knows how long.... To be honest, I'm surprised this wasn't already a feature......
Take a few minutes out of your life and watch this.... It may help with your stress level (Which, judging by your comment, is a little elevated)...