Protagonist in the future DLC. I believe he's still in the current game as an Antagonist.
Reading is power, and power is sexy.
Protagonist in the future DLC. I believe he's still in the current game as an Antagonist.
Reading is power, and power is sexy.
A few of my own:
Pre-order culture is a bad culture to be a part of no matter if the game is good or bad.
Hmmm, the Destiny weapons loadout screen seems different somehow?
I never knew that voicing one's concerns/dissatisfaction ruins the fun of others when the game is genuinely enjoyable.
8 DLCs, one of which is Zombies, only to never get to Oregon and some other settler Teabags you for an hour.
It's more sad if you think of it as an allegory for Kotaku. The land of Kotaku was once a thriving metropolis, then insidious full page, stop you from reading, forced to watch, ads came and pooped on everyone's party.
Like the statement "I could eat". I use that one all the time. Ambivalence at its core. I'm kind of with you...unless they channel MOHAA. I miss that game sometimes.
I'm trying not to word this like I'm an asshole or you're an asshole, but I'm struggling here. It seems like such a huge qualitative judgement from you, the difference between "casual gamer" and not-"casual gamer," which I think we can agree is arbitrary and subjective. If people enjoy Flappy Bird, why the…
Clearly you don't know many scottish "ladies"
Ya, they had to be told they were having fun wrong.
Disney has never changed, its you that changed
It's obvious, she's searching for clothes.
Playstation Home is on PS4 though. It's called Destiny
I read your reasoning like this;
I can see that. Honestly, it'll probably be like that for me for a bit. But he's got a face that just fits horror so I think it'll balance out.
Always happens? How many console generations has borderlands crossed besides this current one? Lol.
Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.
Except for the fact that it's only 40 hours a week at most. Among a million other fucking things.