They are making it rather difficult for a customer to find good reasons to legally purchase their software.

Like bowel movements, this does not make me happy or sad. It is a "thing that is happening".

That... I actually did not know.

damn. I mean I get speed runs, just RPGs don't strike me as the type of games that people would like to speed run. Color me educated.

I don't recall the transformers toys from when I was younger being any more complicated than these ones. Making toys based on the movie transformers will require kids to have PHDs

People speed run RPGs?

"And I kinda thought, 'Eh' "

The term "procedural" generation really holds no weight with me... as i do prefer world building by people, but that is just me. But when they let you demo the game, did they tell you what the game is about? All i seem to be hearing is that there is resource gathering on planets, sightseeing, and space battles.

Evolve actually kind of looks interesting. I'm intrigued with the 5th player being the big bad boss type.

I applaud the journalistic skill and time and effort it took to post this.

CNN is reaaaaaaaally stretching for stories to fill the headlines.

"I guess what I'm getting at (and I think you are too) is that he could have done the game with the same art style and gameplay but had it be about almost anything else and it might not have received this kind of attention."

That would make it a guaranteed no no for me, if it were an MMO. I know that will essentially mean microstransaction for half the game.

Watch the developer videos for Colonial Marines. I mentioned in another post how i think all developers have the same studio they record at with the same speech writers.

You apparently are not allowed to have your own opinion if it differs from everyone else ;)

Do ALL developers go to the same video studio and speech writers? This looks exactly like every other developer video, saying the exact same thing, along with all epic shots of looking over cities/looking away/deep. I love Mass Effect (sans the ending, like everyone), and i think a game in the same universe with

Your reporting was great, but with how games being hyped and promised as of late... guess we'll see. As with everything, could be awesome, or could be Aliens Colonial Marines.

I have officially given up trying to understand the storylines in story lines. Transformers seems to have a more coherent sequence of events, lol

I thought this was going to be about the inspiring story of Duke Nukem.