I wasn't trying to dismiss the article or the issue, but it might be worth a short sentence clarifying that the exploit was established via proof-of-concept, not data breach.
I wasn't trying to dismiss the article or the issue, but it might be worth a short sentence clarifying that the exploit was established via proof-of-concept, not data breach.
Nope. I still have my ROMS, emulators, and a number of choice OUYA games that are SUPER portable to bring anywhere that has power and a TV. I'm still happy with my purchase.
That's why I hate The numerical system on reviewing games Lozzl asshats like the dude above you put to much marit into them. Why are people so upset with a game people might enjoy?
Not to defend this in any way - but I do find it interesting that rather than just re-post the story from your sister site, as is done several times a day around here, you copy/pasted the article, but deliberately deleted the part about the officer immediately realizing her mistake and breaking down.
Somebody murdered my brother. Now, I'm seeking vengeance the only way I know how: by taking local businesses to task for not salting the stairs out front of their establishments and putting the health and safety of their customers at risk. Have you been hurt in a fall? Fuckin' call me, bra.
Although, 250 of them came when Russell Simmons went on TV to promote SUG, his new clothing line.
What the fuck was this shit?
The $500,000 question:
Considering most of the commenters like you never once opened up Blender and assume it's easy to render detailed, large-scale airships or even basic level assets and the comments should sound like this. 9 commenters should be able to come to the same conclusion in 15 minutes but I doubt they ever got past Intro to CS…
I watched his video, and I do feel sorry for him, but the dude has become a paid shill. Sony wined him and dined him, and gave him shitloads of free swag including a personally engraved PS4, and the next few videos were all about telling people to pick the PS4 over the XBO. This spurred MS to send over Major Nelson to…
It's especially rich that suddenly Boston fans have religion on PEDs.
I love watching A-Rod get drilled as much as they next guy — can we make it a sport? — but that is some shitty umpiring.
Alice Walker has repeatedly crossed the line between legitimate criticism of Israeli government policy and outright anti-semitism. The donors didn't forbid her from attending; they just weren't willing to pay for her to do so. I don't think they should be faulted for that. Additionally, if she felt so strongly about…