
How timely! I just got back from my "destination" wedding. I can tell you, it was a PITA the whole time and I still wanted elope 2 days before the wedding after 4 days with both our families. To avoid the issues mentioned in the article, we hosted EVERYTHING, just because we knew people were flying from across the

It was Mother's Day! Of course there will be kids. (not that some people prefer a Mother's Day without their precious bundles of joy, nope, never, not me)

I bring my daughter with me, imagine that! Does he think that kids can't eat brunch? Can't have 4 drinks like I used to, but we're all happy!

Buy me an ice cream, Uncle Joe? I'm just a few blocks away!

The first time, I freaked out. The fourth...I picked and combed like a momma lemur and got the shit out in one sitting. I am the Lice Fairy now.

Short, average weight women can look good in their wedding dresses, too. Repeating to self 1000 times as go and pick up just-tailored dress for wedding in two weeks.

Marrying my Match in less than 3 weeks!

Off topic a bit, but I've just turned my kid onto Star Trek: TNG. I had almost forgotten how much I hate the character Q. He ruins every episode he's in for me with his overacting and smirking. I hope she lets me skip all those.

Love this article. Love the conversation it started here and elsewhere. I love my daughter, but I do not like being a parent. I'm not sure I would have a child if I had it to do over. Although I think I would be in the camp that the regret/envy of not having a child would probably be overwhelming.

Well, yes I think, but Flo was as Southern as they come. (stereotyped, of course)

He can just kiss her grits.

I was my dream to wear Herrera or something similar to this very collection at my beach wedding next month. I have a Sue Wong that is nice, but still not what I was hoping to find for a second time around/October beach wedding/elegant but not too dress. Sigh.

Noooooooo! Just when my state was doing something good. And we still have to hear about the ridiculous first lady and her crush (tho sympathy if she really is suffering from sort of mental illness, but seems like a lot of entitlement to me)

I only have about 39 cardigans and my non-profit is on K st., not the Hill, thank you very much.

How dare you bring up Irish car bombs. My sickest, worst hangover ever. Oh god, it makes me need crackers and ginger ale right now, years later.

Now I want a buttery colored kitty to name Krimpet, the Butterscotch ones being the best snack cake EVAH!

I hate how much stuff Little Cat Chick has, but to be honest I love all the Build a Bear and American Girl stuff, so much of it is my fault for getting it for her and/or suggesting it to grandparents. She wears the same sneakers and the same 5 t-shirts all the time as her choice, however, so luckily we're not bad in

Wait, what? I'm this close to moving from VA to MD if the VA gov or legislature passes one more idiotic anti-women or anti-science law. Parts of MD are great.

Yep, it was that I loved my daughter too much. Didn't have anything to do with the fact that my ex worked 14 hours a day, often did not see our daughter, was not a parent and directly told me my needs weren't as important as his career. Nope, totally my fault.

This is confirming some of my fears about my upcoming nuptials and how my fiancé and I see things a bit differently. In one way, we are being quite generous by inviting our family and friends to stay at the beach with us for a week - we're paying for three really nice houses right on the beach and contributing several