
Thank you! Now, any ideas about how to stop those fools from scaring the shit out of my daughter with "children are killed here" signs around the corner from my house in Falls Church?

I just had this chat with Little CatChick last week (yes, I take her to McD's once in a while). She totally got why there is no such thing as girls' and boys' toys and was mad that she has gotten the "girl" toy when she would have preferred the "boys'". I've been telling her this since she could listen, but other

I helped a little (or a lot!)

I am getting married (second time) this fall. I had a kid a few years ago, gained weight, but three years ago starting running regularly and have done more road races than the last-place-in-gym class girl of my childhood would ever dream. Shopping for a dress has whacked me right back to to my worst days of hating

I just cleaned the fridge today!!! All of it! Do I get a cookie? Well, I'm having wine. Should I admit that it's actually my old fridge, in the basement, soon to be filled my my fiancé's (an my) delicious craft beer hoard?

I refuse to admit how many of these I still buy and put in my kids' lunch box. I'm a shit mom (well, she does eat some green veggies and no soda, so…). Capri Sun is a birthday party only treat.

Just letting you know you are not alone in this. Same thing with my daughter, down to the deep fear/sadness/shame that she's going through the same thing I did as a kid. From my (biased) perspective, I feel like she's a great kid and she just doesn't have that many nice kids to hang out with (huge school, but only a

50s? That was a weekly menu in the 80s at my house.

9th grade, alone at home with Friday Night Videos - this was my jam.

Just the train station (amazing!) I was in Brugge, Brussels and then on a canal boat stopping by various towns in Belgium and France and hitting many breweries. Next time! Oh, and I got engaged in Brugge, so the country will always have a special place in my heart.

Frites or a waffle will also do...(sorry to be so touristy, but yum!)

Drink a beer for me (preferable a strong ale). I travelled through Belgium last fall - so lovely!

Preach. I just exploded one drawer, looks like I need to get rid of stuff to start scarf drawer #2. And its Spring soon - all the pretty spring scarves, sigh...

This 4' 11" chick says, "Duh..."

Women's lives are necessary. Women are human beings. Sometimes being a mother makes it very difficult for a woman to live her life and be a human being who can care for themselves.

Marrying my Match.com found partner later this year (I'm smug after a harsh divorce and dozens of bad dates, so sue me...) My profile was simple, short and honest. My pics were one "attractive", one after a 5K, and one out with friends. I didn't get a lot of traffic - I'm not really a looker by conventional

2 year old, bright green poop, panicked call to pediatrician's after hours line. What weird disease does she have, I cried, freaking out. Dr asked, "Has she had anything different to eat lately?". No, well, um...quick flashbacks to green smeared shirt from yesterday's day care...birthday? cupcakes? Bright green,

Grease has got to be in there! It's the word!

I got the hint not to use the word "wedding" when booking our event for next year. Beach wedding with us paying for beach houses for our family and friends - no church, no overpriced food, no overpriced flowers. It's both of our second time around. I still want a cool dress, tho. Beachy, not white, makes me look

Makes me miss my Emma, who I had for 15 years since she was a kitten this old. I SO want another kitten, but the soon-to-be Mr. CatChick has two middle age kitties, plus mine, so three will be enough of a headache when we combine them next year. Some day...