
I was explaining the election results and about "the Cooch's" positions to my 8 year old daughter this morning (as age appropriately as I could). Her reaction, verbatim: "But how would he feel if he were a woman". My third grader has far more smarts and compassion that this creation. Also, what ever else I may do,

>>>>>Going to Trader Joe's and Total Wine to stock up now... bye!

I got engaged the same week as Kimye? Ugh. Well, at least the paparazzi will be distracted and stop hounding me...

Ok, I need some advice for how to talk to my 8 year old about abortion. I live about 5 houses down from an small office building where there is a women's health clinic that as far as I know performs some abortions. We drive by it multiple times a day. Last week, protesters were out there with those huge fake fetus

I finally met my dark beer last year at the age of 39 and I am so in luuuuuvvvv. And he actually loves dark beer.

I was about 8, too, but only realized in my mid-20's that it was depression. I still am dealing with it. The scary part is my daughter is now 8 and every once in a while I see something that pains me like when she has trouble making friends or gets really upset over a grade/performance. I don't think she's

Holla! MPA-er here. Of course, I just lost my job and am back in the swamp of DC job searching. Ugh.

You sound like a great photographer! I recently had some pro shots done and I find myself gazing at the pics and going, I am so gorgeous in that shot - much of it to do very good lighting. Requires a lot of skill - major respect.

Correction, my apologies. I can't carry a gun actually into a school. But I can still get one hella close (for example, the front door of my daughter's school is about 15 feet from a busy road, that is not on "school property").

Yes, I meant this was one of the states where it almost became law. The abortion clinic codes have already been implemented and are having a adverse impact. And it is legal to open carry a gun on the part of the Metro.

Thanks so much for this, Erin. I live in VA - home of trans-vaginal ultrasound laws, laws that shut down most of the clinics providing abortion, but HEY! I can carry a gun in to a bar, on the metro, and into my daughter's school. I feel so free.

Yea, I don't get it. She's super rich with free access to the best shoes in the world, and she wears these for every photo op? If I were in her position, I'd have a separate brownstone just for my shoe collection.

Oh no... (fellow Chi-O)

A thousand boos upon my sisterhood (Chi-O)! Not that its mattered since I left college years ago...

How in the hell do you have two cats and keep a rug like that spotless and soft-looking? My rugs are full of holes and my floors are full of little tufts that the cats drag around. Everything from long shags to short jute has ended up in tatters.

Posted this elsewhere, but you can actually meet Zoo. and his family - they film at the Duke Lemur Center in Durham. It was the highlight of my visit there!

In braggy news, I've met Zooboomafoo!!! He's at the Duke Lemur Center and he was there with his son (yes! OMG) and his lady friend. It was awesome. My daughter loved that show. Lemurs rule. that is all.

Ok, as someone whose mom is currently going through treatment for lymphoma, I came close to putting out my first "but that's not funny, its offensive" comment on Jez. But it is a little funny. I just wish my mom had gotten cancer from being an astronaut instead of being stuck at home for the last 40 years taking

I hear ya...

As a single mother, NOT by choice, George Will can go suck on a bottle of toupee shampoo. I'm lucky and privileged, I'm not minority and am financially stable thanks to several factors, most of which were not my doing. I am not the cause of all the ills in this country. Old, white, narrow minded, men seriously