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    They might as well say it can’t occur in Las Vegas period. Sands Expo is completely a convention center that is attached to the Venetian, which of course has a casino.

    How do those pictures get released? Isn't there privacy involved—personal, HIPPA, minor?

    How come 18 year olds are suddenly "boys"?

    I believe also that an emergency drill had recently been conducted at SUX. Note that at the Boston bombing a shift change going on also yielded extra personnel fortuitously.

    Only in soccer are best players crowned on theoretical bases. "Well, no, he didn't score. Well, no, his team didn't score. Well, yes, his team lost. But, yes, he is still the best, because ...."

    "From there, Valon Behrami took off towards his own goal. An Ecuador player tried to foul him, but the ref played the advantage and allowed Switzerland to pore forward."

    Could be the girls I knew who left a game after 2 because they thought it was over.

    Even the New York Times and the New Yorker don't seem to know the difference between concrete and cement. My pedant hat is off to you.

    Yes, sir.

    Not sure your connections add up. Note that the Times article points out the the short word originally popular was mike, so I guess a lot of people were once as idiotic as I am before they became enlightened.

    Never have figured out how a word pronounced "mike" gets spelled "mic." We don't call a bicycle a bic.. I am guessing it became in use because it sounds industry.

    It's just that as others have pointed out, this site is always so flip and wise-ass about everything—except soccer, which it gets serious as a heart attack about and recaps in detail it gives to no other sport. Its American writers suddenly are using lingo like pitch for field, side for team, and plural verbs with

    oops. Same question, however. Does a field hockey (note "field" in the name) field become a pitch when it is out of the USA?

    Hard to measure, though of course you could argue that the offense is putting out an extra effort too. What you might also be bringing up is often the defense on 4th and short will bet the house that the play is going up the middle—in which the play is more likely to fail if it is up the middle than a random down,

    Some do, and some don't. Much-admired Pat Fitzgerald hurt the team by being too timid this year. And in the days before OT it was considered unmanly to play for a tie.

    Right, and when a team fails, it generally described as a gamble that was lost, and the coach is roasted or at the very least viewed as wildly daring, whereas often the real gamble, in terms of most likely outcome, is to punt.

    Is it a pitch because it is in Germany?

    Right. I don't live in an inspection state so I wasn't thinking about the fact that private garages do the inspections.

    Inspections don't check on your oil. They don't care if your car is well maintained; they care if it meets safety standards. What I don't understand is why he wouldn't lie. They still are likely to honor the warranty even if you can't prove it.

    If someone made a joke about an Italian player cookin' with olive oil, would you say they were making fun of his race? For some reason we invoke racisim for any jocular statement involving some Asians that really is poking at culture or nationality and would be ignored if applied to some other group.