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    The fact that the one person leaping to its defense described it as "dope as shit" kind of says it all.

    I'd pick it up at the factory and see if I could leave a rubber 11 all the way home, but that's just me.


    Can I just resubmit my NYE story?

    Miata (which I don't actually have, but needed to test it): 1-5%. Epic fail.

    350hp turbocharged AWD manual wagon, 21-30%. Booo.

    I've been trying to get a test drive in one for a couple days, but the battery is toast and the seller hasn't had time to replace it yet. Hopefully tonight, I want it.

    WTF is this shit? I think the car looks pretty good overall but that line is terrible.

    I had a grand old time doing the same in my S4 when we got some snow a couple weeks ago.

    I'm looking at an e34 M5 tonight. Quite excited, and very very tempted.

    I dug up the old license for a laugh.

    I think I took things pretty easy that week, but that would have been hilarious.

    Thank you. I'm certainly not proud of it, but in hindsight it is pretty funny.

    My birthday is in late December, and the festivities for my 21st got a little out of hand. The end result of this was that I ended up with a black eye, and subsequently with a new drivers license picture featuring said black eye, since my license expired on my birthday, and the nice lady at the DMV wouldn't let me

    "A perfect response."

    Ouch. Unintentional.

    Re: Tire dodge- the way I looked at it, that was wider than he would have run per standard racing line, so I judged it as being a reaction on that basis. But obviously this is all pretty subjective.

    For my money, the greatest save needs to meet two criteria:

    Which shall henceforth be known as a "Suarez Hat Trick"

    Put him in at QB at that number goes up to three.