What are you serious? Think about it,

So does this mean we are finally going to find out if Gary7 is/was a TimeLord?

While 10Forward was nice, I think I would have enjoyed Quarks a lot more. In fact, I see 10forward as a coffee shop compared to Quarks. And what about Chez Sandrine from Voyager?

I think he knows that, he is just choosing to ignore 11 and 12 since they are a reboot.

Red Hulk joined in Avengers #7 at the end of Heroic Age. That issue was released in Nov 2010

Neither one of those is correct to say. Especially since Stargate was a Showtime production!

Keep telling your self that buddy!

They have a few songs on Youtube... Kind of cool.

I love Stargate and Star Trek, BUT lets look at the numbers.

While I agree they forgot Star Trek, and Star Wars. Stargate and Firefly are newer nerd staples then those, thus I can see why they did them. But if you really think about it, there is a lot of songs they could have done and it would have took them a while.

Well that is up for debate, IDW has Star Trek, GI Joe, Transformers, and Ghostbusters comics and Dark Horse has Star Wars and Buffy/Angel, Dollhouse, and Hellboy. But at this point it is a pissing contest. But I agree Image has risen with the Walking Dead, but you really have to give AMC the credit for bringing

io9 does report other comics... Kotaku typically only talks about comics that have chances of being made into video games... which would only come from the Main 4 Publishers.

Not really, but if you really want to get caught up, start with Avengers Disassembled. That pretty much is the start of the current continuum.

I know that, but in theory there are two X-men teams... Cyclops's teams and Wolverine's Teams.

So it appears Wolverine group join with the Avengers against Cyclops group. Hmm... Which I was wondering how they were going to do "Avengers vs. X-men" since a lot of the X-men at one time were Avengers. As others have mentioned, the art looks a little blocky and for some reason I can't enlarge the pictures to read

Yes, as a LEGO aficionado, yes it does concern me.

You are lucky to get these. Lego is pretty strick when it comes to pictures of sets before they are released. However, if you check sites like Brickset, and Brickpedia they will link to other sites that have posted images of the secret catalogs and of sets if they get their hands on them.

Is there a reason the first image is flipped? I've seen the orignal... While flip it?

Knowing the Simpsons, they do have a tendency to use fan-made creations in their opening... so it is very possible we will see this on an episode next year.

By that "treaty" no-one can develop a moon colony. Because every moon colony will be created not for the betterment of mankind but to exploit resources of the moon for who ever is in control of the colony. And as others have pointed out... there are only two supporting parties of that treaty... One which doesn't even