Except USB3.0 is backwards compatible with 2.0 etc... so I say yes... yes there is.

I may have posted this on io9, but not all "mushroom clouds" are caused by an atomic explosion. just sayin!

My buddies Aunt actually took over his facebook page and keeps it running. This and memorial group on facebook helps someone us cope. I still post on his facebook along with few of his family members, it is a way to keep him close to us even though he is gone.

first thing... Boobies on a youtube video??? Really??? Wow...

To be honest, all explosions produce a mushroom cloud, only thing is an atomic blast created a longer lasting, but if you ever watched when small explosives go off producing smoke etc, Even water vapor can produce them.

I read AM... but could never really get past the constant reminders of "The Animal" with Rob Schneider. However, I will admit that the last few pages were pretty "WTF!" will read issue 2 to see what happens.

I use the "false" story but only to prove a point about making something so simple so overly complex.

How the hell does this stuff get on youtube... I thought they censored things like this....

20 Lumens??? Man... you need like a pitch black room to see that thing!!... No thank you!!

and my sword!

That just looks like they entered in the "gore" code at the beginning of the game.

Wow... and I am in the market for a massive external. I currently use a few old internal HDDs with an external adaptor, but have been thinking of combing into one. This should work well for all my ... *shifty eyes* "stuff" *shifty eyes*

Incognito is also a good way to open up multiple browser sessions of the same website. When I am working on webpage and testing different aspects, instead of logging out and and loggin back in. Pop-open incognito mode and go. Also works good on public computers.


So 1.) why the hell did you choose the "i'm a Canadian" Clip for McKay, there are so many other great clips out there.

What... Spoilers!!!! Man... i just started watching Enterprise on Netflix... Pah!

The price increase was for physical media... not streaming content!

She is the Caretaker of W13, but I think she has an alpha ability... but that could just be something granted to the caretaker of Warehouses.

Okaying... after doing a quick search... here is what I found... The Regents are a group of people that have a higher position in the warehouse than even Ms.Fredric. Though the Regents seem to be normal some hints have been dropped by the director that a Regent is usually a former warehouse agent that was affected by

The few I read had some pretty good info dumps, plus they semi-setup for the new story arc. I am not saying they all are good, but they are a good place to start.