LttP is no where near OoT. But... Lttp > OoT IMHO

Pokemon battling at its finest.

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The fourth video remind me for some reason, of this video. Someone should dub these videos... they were awesome!

I did too.. that was awesome!

This must have been before orange tips were required.

What you could also be looking at, is something that is similar to what happened in TNG/Voyager. In the TNG episode "The First Duty" a character played by Robert McNeill was seen. This character would later be the inspiration for Lt. Tom Paris in Voyager, also played by Robert McNeill. The writers wanted to use the

We will also know it will be the last time we see her, when he gives her the sonic screwdriver!

Well like the good Doc said... "Time can be re-written!"

So... is that "Uh Oh" arrow supposed to be point toward Oklahoma City, or is it supposed to be pointing toward Dallas Texas?

I do not think I could go back to the Mohave. I am sorry, but FO:NV was sooo tedious, I played it and beat it four times, just because I felt obligated to the series... but really... it sucked compared to FO3. And as others have mentioned, the bugs... good god the bugs... they were everywhere.... I still can't play

The thing is... with my maxed character... if I had another five levels... I would be 100 in almost every slot. Give me 50 and I would be 100% Maxed. Where would the fun in that be. IIRC in FO3, they said not they would not raise the cap anymore due to it breaking the game. Every character needs a weakness, that is

Well, the writers originally created it so they could recast the doc after William Hartnell became difficult to work with. With the transition between 2 and 3, that was forced by the Time Lords. In planet of the Spiders, it is explained as a biological process tied to the Tardis.

Actually it was the Doc who said "Till Next Time." Canton replied "I can't wait"

What about Jenny, the Doctor's Daughter? She gave signs of regeneration powers, nothing like the Time Child... but still. She emitted gold "dust" after being killed.

You know what... Forget the show... just give me gratuitous shagging, blackjack, and hookers!

You know, I am a hardcore Trekkie, and I do not have a problem with two time-lines. But it was a little funny.

But I am not openly sharing my network. I am giving access to someone who paid for it. It is no different then if we were roommates. We just happen to live next door to each other.

I am not 100% sure how this works... but I have two student loans through the same lender, OSLA. One loan is pulling a 4.3% interest the other, -0.61% interest. Explain that one!

Programming ;)

Sweet, now when my boss comes by, I can look like I am really doing something.