
I can't think of anything better because i'm suddenly in love with those 911's. So, Rauh-Welt.

Flight Control HD for the iPad on sale today only for .99 cents(normally $5). 24 hour sale, not exactly sure when it started. Hope it stays up through the evening at least, girlfriends iPad just arrived here at my office and she loves the game.

It's like a unicorn barfed rainbows all over the truck. Clearly the rollover was caused because of driver distraction by said rainbows, and that he was shipping empty ink cartridges to the filling plant.

As expected, better in all regards in terms of performance, but the cameras feel lackluster. I think this tempts me even more into just getting a used/refurbished Gen 1 and holding out for a nice, big upgrade for Gen 3(higher res screen and better speakers).

Getting closer to convincing me to getting a Plus subscription, but I still don't think this and some discounts on PSN Store downloads is worth the cost yet. And I really don't want to pay $50 a year for a backup method. I'd rather take the risk of losing my copy-prohibited save files and keep the copyable ones on my

Unfortunately, I have to agree. While I LOVED the Evo back in generations 6-9ish, the latest offerings just do not click with me. They don't look right, and have some strange setup quirks. Even a guy like me, who downright LOVES "flappy paddle" transmissions, does not feel that one belongs in an Evo...yet. Especially

Naming their new DRM scheme after a TERRIBLE movie is such a great start

For that price, i'll take one of these and spend the extra 20k+ on track days and tires.

In my personal situation, the desktop is probably being used for gaming while the laptop I would probably be using to catch up with work. While a tablet like the iPad is a suitable gaming machine, i'm not likely to get completely engrossed in a game of Angry Birds or whatever as opposed to the shooter or MMORPG i'd

I bet my significant other would rather I be on the couch clutching a tablet than sitting across the apartment staring at my desktop's monitor or fiddling away on a laptop at the table.

Interesting. A former VW club member here in Orlando flew out to the west coast and picked up one a few months ago and drove it back. Wonder if he's heard about this and is worried.

So, is he going to have the physical attributes/training to handle this? Remember, Top Gear put one of the top iRacing drivers into a Star Mazda and the guy blew chunks into his helmet within minutes of driving.

Well, kinda. I skipped upgrading to the iPhone 4 last year because I didn't see it being worth $200. I won't be skipping the next one though.

@sr20spitfirehotrod: You're not going to last with just neons. Don't forget the Mushimoto ZX tires.

As long as it's cheap enough to do some work on that front bumper to de-rice it, i'm in. Fantastic looking car with the exception of the overly done front bumper.

I love Dropbox, I only wish that they had a smaller, cheaper paid storage capacity upgrade. I unfortunately need more than the ~3ish gigs I have now, but certainly don't need 50 gigs for $120/year.

2003: Montoya drives Gordon's stock car.

Too much work needed to return that focus back to stock looks-wise. Pipe.

Hmm, Morgan Three-Wheeler or Caterham Seven?