
So incredibly sexy.

Aww...I kinda like the blue...

@jakoegleii: Well, there's the rare case where he has a video card that has DVI + HDMI instead of dual DVI heads. Completely talking without research though, don't they make HDMI to DVI converters?

@jupiterthunder: My watch tells me the date too, so I guess it doesn't count. Otherwise, I would fit into the "why didn't I think of that" answer

I don't see much use for this. Yeah, some of the gestures are great but if i'm on a nice big iMac or multimonitor Mac Pro setup, I need good pointer movement.

@Maave: My boss knows my frustration. I've vocalized to him that I automatically delete every e-mail sent from my CIO without even glancing at it. Luckily my boss has the kindness to relay any important information from those e-mails to me, as he somehow has the patient to tolerate paragraphs of blue on white text.

my CIO sends out bi-weekly business pep-talk e-mails to the entire technology side of the business..

I believe that the two most entertaining segments ever in Top Gear for me came from this season, first the Reliant Robin, now the caravan challenge.

@MrAgen10: Yup, I have to support this comment. A lot of grief goes around my team when someone decides to bring in their own larger computer monitor, wireless keyboard/mouse or breaks their operating system trying to do something they shouldn't be doing.

NEED! Now! I hope this at least hits Labs soon..

I'm sorry but the look of this car does not get me chubby.

The exposed air ducts are a bit strange..

Here's to hoping this weekend makes up for this past week, and relaxes me in preparation for the coming week. Though, job stress and relationship problems will make it difficult, and thanks to a rough session at the rock climbing gym last night, I don't know if i'll get a shot at venting myself during another climbing

three seperate workstation areas? interested in knowing how they divide up...

While I love Firefox on any Windows machine, I do not feel the same way when using it on my new Macbook. It just feels awkward on OSX so now i'm toying with Chrome for my Mac websurfing needs.

Zynga has created a monster

Did he really need to turn this into a 9 minute video?

@TheFu: I was not interviewed, phone or in person. Essentially they never even looked at my application until after the position was filled because of their mistake.

The best way I learned how to do behavioral interviewing? I took the course required by my company to interview people for roles, and applied it when interviewing some interns a few weeks ago. Now i'm pretty set for any interviews when I change roles.

@Natael: I've looked outside of the company, but haven't gotten anything more than a single phone interview with no response afterwards.