
Ahaha, coming from someone who used to hang out with the watercooled Volkswagen crowd on a weekly basis, the conversation is spot on.

I was hoping for a quick way for me to convert the Lipton bags and coffee sugars available in my office's coffee station into a quick sweet tea craving fixer. Unfortunately this is not office friendly :(

I want a Factory Five kit soooo badly. There's that whole financial aspect of the idea though that I can't seem to shake loose.

Both. Dropbox syncs myself between personal computers, but flash drives are still in use for on the fly tech support or when I am moving stuff to a computer I cant or don't want to install Dropbox to.

This past Saturday I was cruising through a residential area after picking up my girlfriend, Orange Country (FL) Sheriff coming the opposite direction. Whips around immediately after passing me and throws the lights.

@rotechi: Quicksilver was already on my list, i've ready many great things about it.

Just ordered my first Mac (13 inch MBP) as part of the Back To School deal. I have a bunch of dmg files saved up from free software giveaways and the recent MacHeist bundle. Any good freeware applications I should immediately get? I don't have any special needs, I basically bought this over a Windows computer to

@A.Jaswal: How do you know that a gym employee signed an NDA?

Well, basing this on how expensive Veyron maintenance is, it might actually be the more affordable decision.

My manager does this all the freaking time, but he doesn't text, he checks Twitter (on his work Blackberry).

Did they borrow the elevator method from Porsche?

I guess I don't have this problem. I've never built a system where I used all of the standoffs that came with the case.

I'd go crazy in that office the first time I had to re-run some computer cables or pull out my tower for dust removal.

I wonder if overtime where you get time and a half pay cancels that out or not.

Bah, no freight centers in Florida according to that link.

I really like the torrent idea, too bad it won't work for me at my workplace since we web-block those sites. And i'm not out and about much with a laptop to need that.

Pipe, only because of the exterior. Bad taste.

Ahh yes, I loved watching the final presentations in my last business class. A good third of the teams had powerpoint slides that you couldn't read unless it was projected on an 8 foot tall screen. I'm talking people trying to stuff paragraphs and lists with 8+ bullets on a slide with pictures and a title!

Mine says "failed to load" for each my ID, name and e-mail address. I'll try again when I get home.