
I love the setup, colors, layout, equipment. Everything.

Porsche twist wheels!

I love Mint, been using it for a few months.

I knew looking at that website would make me sad.

The slide out lower cabinet with the tray on top for networking stuff is neat. Not sure i'd want my wireless router tucked away inside that in the alcove of a house though.

@Kandy477: Couldn't agree more. I support 1400 people and get that all the time.

Great. Now I gotta check and see if this is going to brick my hackintosh netbook.

that graphics scheme is retardant.

From experience I can agree with this.

write a similar chart in Word or whatever, print it out and laminate it.

how the FUCK is that a clunker?!

What's the best way to book a cruise? I plan on taking Royal Caribbean from Port Canaveral Florida to the Bahamas, sometime early summer next year.

I love my DSG. I've gotten the hard shifting a few times, but that's usually when I try to punch the throttle in super-economy Drive mode and it gets pissy trying to downshift.

I really wanted this car, now i'm "eh" about it. I mean, I should have expected it to be that expensive, being a special model Audi, but I was hoping for more.

I like this article, a lot. I got set up on Evernote a few weeks ago, spent the time to get the iPhone app connected and even linked my Twitter account to it.

@D0rk: All using LEGO's of course. Forgot to add that.

This reminds me of my high school robotics classes where i'd fuck around with gears and make some ridiculous setups that one crank rotation would cause the contraption to shred itself to pieces from either the torque or my shitty construction techniques.

This is the same folding style the PocketMod uses. It's very effective for turning a sheet of paper into a small booklet.