
I think they got the idea from Lexus. Lexus started naming their hybrids based on their estimation of the displacement of an engine that would make the same output as their combined gas and electric output. I think BMW names their models based on the estimation of what size naturally aspirated engine would output that

I watched about 20 minutes of gameplay and it just doesn’t seem great. I say that with an open perspective because I didn’t find the first game as terrible as others did. The video I saw, AFAIK a developer was playing, and yet they seemed confused as to what they were supposed to be doing, the gunplay didn’t seem

The original Killzone is a game I’d be interested in a remaster/remake of. Not because I felt like it was a particularly amazing game, but because I’d really like to see Guerilla’s artistic vision of that game without the hardware limitations of the PS2. Killzone 2 was dripping with atmosphere, I still see it as a

Like the Giant’s gravity hammer in Skyrim, some pugs don’t need fixin damnit

Steam is a monopoly? When was the last time you launched an game published/developed by EA, Ubisoft or Blizzard without needing Origin, Uplay and Battle.net on your computer?

I always assumed that the Lexus SC300/400 used the same chassis... I think the Supra is a far superior looking car, but you could buy at least 5 SC’s for the price of an automatic N/A MkIV Supra.

And it would be rear-wheel drive!

Hopefully this bodes well for future update timelines. I haven’t played it, but on the most recent Giant Bombcast, they had some quips with various menu functionality and issues with split screen logging-in and having to replay the prologue, “checkpoints” etc. Hopefully they can get everything smoothed out before

I think I'll settle for silently resenting them in exchange for free crust.

I play quite a bit of The Division, and really want to be able to invest in it because as a PC player, it’s the only Destiny alternative I’m aware of, but I know it’s not going to have the legs Destiny has. Not only are we stuck in the real world setting, we’re stuck in New York, also, a New York that attempts to stay

That's quite a generalization. Cheap HDMI cables run the gamut from terrible to great. You can find massive differences between two different cables that are the same price, just need to know what to look for.

That's quite a generalization. Cheap HDMI cables run the gamut from terrible to great. You can find massive

Fallout 4 never felt “pretty big” to me. I think it came out to only 3.4 or so square miles. What it lacks in sheer size it makes up for in borderline insane density. They made clever use of topography to make you not notice that everything is pretty much right next to each other. It would be really cool to play an

The entire video, as with every CoD announcement in the past, was campaign footage. I think someone who doesn’t give two shits about the campaign might have a predisposition to think this looks horrible?

I feel so bad for Gearbox and Battleborn. I’ve seen more marketing for Overwatch’s beta, which mind you starts two days after Battleborn’s release, than I have for Battleborn altogether. They stated that over 80% of their team is working on Battleborn and they’ve put more resources into it than Borderlands 1 and 2

I remember reading about the answer somebody at Porsche gave as to why the Cayman was less powerful than the 911 with the same engine where he surprisingly straightforwardly said that it was because the 911 was the flagship Porsche vehicle and the Cayman (with it’s two less seats and more manageable mid engine) could

Also worth noting, every vehicle is a generic homogolation of real vehicles besides the Nissan TITAN®. There’s some prominent Nissan billboards throughout the game.

The one thing I’d say in defense of this is that I wouldn’t be surprised if games were developed optimized for Arm and Qualcomm CPU’s and GPU’s and that the Intel GPU and CPU might be struggling for that reason. Intel’s GPU in this processor has a burst frequency only 24MHz less than Adreno’s top (530) GPU in the

They did yellow-face in Cloud Atlas

They should at least be punished by removing their gear. From what I've heard, for some people it amounts to gear that would take months to earn. What's the alternative? "Ubisoft here, we know people used the exploit and it's our fault so we will not take gear away from those who used the exploit. P.s. Please accept

That's funny, I didn't see any mention of Arma 3 running on a smartphone in this article.