Carcharodon Carcharias

This. It’s blatantly contradictory to what she pushes through her lying teeth. As she laughs about people dying in her representative base, she continues to spout that people should not do what their government is telling them to do. This along with McCarthy and the retraction of Republican participation in the 1/6

Most expensive car lesson ever? Car insurance (that is never/rarely used) is a necessary and required wallet vacuum. All these premiums we pay for things that “might” happen and in my case...have never happened...it’s organized garbage.

I think that really seals the thought that perhaps I’d get a Tacoma to a solid NO THANKS. Our democracy is important people. Fight the good fight.

Hey Google.

Better headline. “Keep your grill clean and away from your house while grilling.”

“After Work Optional Party” for anyone working in the field? Almost a must-do to build rapport and foster the relationship.

15% flat tax on every single taxpayer. No level of income drop off or loopholes to avoid paying. Get rid of this broken system.

Lower-class families pay no income taxes on low wages. Upper-class families and business owners get to pay accountants to find loopholes to revel in tax avoidance. The middle class pays all of the taxes in the country. Work hard and get the shaft. Great system.

I drive a 1992 GMC K1500 5.7L manual transmission with steel rims and work truck tires with 300K on the odometer. KBB says $2550. I get offers for $3K at gas stations. This market is upside down.

Here’s my take.

You must be crazy if you think this division between political idiots is going to be solved by a bridge. (Not implying you’re crazy dude. I just can’t believe the state of this nation.)

The end-game isn’t hydrogen as a fuel. It’s the process of using it in a fuel cell that makes it work. Batteries work, but charging them sucks. The fuel cell fixes that.

This should only work if it can be proven with either a dashcam or intersection cameras. No way the word of one driver against another should result in a ticket/fine. If it were that easy, I could turn in all sorts of morons here in Nebraska. The WORST drivers for running red lights I have ever witnessed.

Natural gas will eventually die. Here’s how it’s going to play out.

I’m a “tech guy” and bought a 1080p 50" top-of-the-line Panasonic plasma way back in 2007. It’s my primary display and it just won’t die. I wouldn’t mind the upgrade to a 4K LG OLED 65"...but no way I’m going to force this workhorse out to pasture. Worth every penny.

I will offer a counter-indicator...

Finally, someone mentioned the spray pattern. Having been a professional painter, that is NOT the way to spray paint anything.

I think it was a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am. My sister’s boyfriend bought it brand new and it was just so freaking awesome.

Stories like this result in people hating government altogether. We should not be focused on left vs. right. We need to find middle ground that works for EVERYONE! The right richies need to pay their share of taxes. The left lazies need to get off their asses and go to work. MIDDLE GROUND PEOPLE!

Everyone has their own chance to succeed or fail at parenting. There is no “right” answer for every question. For me, it was easy. My daughter (now 15) has never had any interest nor inquiry into tasting beer.