Carcharodon Carcharias

Morons follow morons. So this site will be popular with morons, I suspect.

I’ve been using mail.com for decades now. I have the Yahoo and Gmail accounts, but mail.com is where I roll with business, receipts, shipping, surveys, corporate communication, and anything else I don’t want in my “personal” email. There is a premium tier. The spam filter works. It’s just been really solid. The only

I think this whole polar vortex situation magnifies the need for local (rooftop) power generation and local (batteries/hydrogen) storage to be self-sufficient. Any excess getting sold back to the grid is just a bonus on doing the right thing planet-wise.

So...let me get this straight. To make broadband more available, they want to limit the ability of local governments to create their own ISP unless there are already other competing services available??? Yeah...that makes sense. I’m an independent...but I hate republican idiots with so much passion.

It’s not me saying this, but every girl I’ve ever dated has pontificated about “The Princess Bride” and all of its wonderful glory. This has to be on the list.

Particularly these past five years have been generally disturbing. I find the Google News feed shapes itself to things in which I am interested. When I begin research into a particular field or industry for research, my news feed adjusts accordingly. One drag through the “For You” section three times daily is really

Did I shut the garage door? Damn. <sigh>

I’ve had six dogs in my lifetime. Each one had their own endearing traits. My current (American Bulldog/Boxer) is rough and tumble and wants to play constantly. If I say “Where’s <daughter’s name>?” he runs to her room and jumps on her bed...looks outside...everywhere trying to find her. Seems really smart. But put on

One of my best stories of all time...my dog (at the time <schnauzer>) was acting strange toward his butt area. Upon investigation, I promptly pulled a tampon from his ass. People laugh...but it was not that humorous at the time. :)

Nissan 300ZX -- Just something perfect about one of the first uses of projector-style headlamps.

Nissan 300ZX -- Just something perfect about one of the first uses of projector-style headlamps.

These idiot morons and their orange flumploaf of a reality TV president all need to be held accountable. Impeaching someone after they leave office is a legitimate process. We just need honorable people to stand up and do what is right.

No thank you. :)

Thanks for this article. I’m looking to dive into MacOS for the first time since 2004 with the Mini to do some guitar recording. Windows makes me feel like I am “at work” all the time.

This might seem strange...but a 1974 Toyota Celica. It was such a perfect car at a perfect time for me. I loved that car. Also had a 1987 Honda CRX Si that was as reliable as the sun coming up.

Learn to swim.

If only for the modern-day version of the Trans-Am/Firebird.

My workplace has recently held meetings where the theme is “be kind, not right” and it’s driving me utterly insane. Imbeciles continue to fail upwards while people are paid to be incorrect on almost every level. But hey, at least we’re kind about ineffectiveness. (shrug)

I think that’s funny. Because even though I would never initially send a Word formatted resume, I always have one on hand from which the PDF was created. So what’s the difference? Companies these days are so unprofessional about getting back to prospective employees, it is only mildly disturbing that there is any

Why do you care?