Carcharodon Carcharias

In other words...start with push-ups on stairs (head up) and work your way down to a level playing field...and perhaps even working your way down to declined push-ups. Be creative...use gravity...those over-priced gym memberships have nothing in ingenuity.



The one that says “slower traffic keep right” or “keep right except to pass” or any of a myriad of signs worded to keep you in the right lane unless you’re passing someone...regardless of your speed.

Nailed it.

Yeah. I’m kinda with you. Carver’s “Sonic Holography” and all of the other magic that was supposed to transform listening experience...I prefer a nice flat and balanced system that just sounds not over-processed or equalized for booming bass.

When Elvis died...I think the whole side of me that thought I was impervious to death just took a huge hit.

Male privilege.

After a Death Valley camping trip in 2008, our group had a party. I snuck a projector in and hooked up a laptop with the pics from the excursion and pushed them onto the neighbor’s garage with a 720p projector. The entire party was amazed at the images. Awesome times. I still have that projector and it still functions

Every time some woman tells me I need to find someone...for sex, or dates, or whatever....I simply reply, “Why? Do I look too happy?”

Ok. Here’s a recap of my story.

Not ALL girls are the worst...but mostly...they are. I gave up on attempting anything even closely related to a symbiotic relationship with a girl. My happiness is dependent on me alone. My sadness also. Yes...I am alone sometimes, but I never feel lonely.

I feel your pain. D...A...I...L...Y. (Or better yet, monthly.)

A classmate of mine...a volunteer fireman on a call no less...was a casualty to exactly this type of activity. A tractor was stuck near a grass fire. They hooked up a clevis to the front end of the tractor and then the opposite end of a rope/strap to the front end of an available fire truck. The clevis snapped and

How apropos...I was in a meeting working on a spreadsheet with my boss behind me yesterday. I was applying some formatting and he says, “Dude...press F4.”

Jeepers. This is a story? Wow. It seems like someone looking for a problem. This is by design folks. It allows pulling up on the brake until a nice tension on the brake is observed. To release, lift slightly and push handle back into place gently.

Actually, that video is kind of terrible and misleading.

I should have clarified. I don’t want to use Apple headphones. I just want to use a normal set of headphones/integrated mic with my xbox.

OMFG! In my previous relationship, if I would have forked over money to my ex, she would have spent it on things we “needed” almost guaranteed. She would often quip, “look how much money I saved.” To which I would mutter, “...by buying things we don’t necessarily need.” She constantly worked the checking account float

Do you have a specific link? It would be most helpful. I’ve looked into this before only to be more confused when attempting to derive a conclusion. I just want to use a normal headset with inline mic on my xbox. Is there a “pigtail” adapter that simply inverts the wiring schema?