Carcharodon Carcharias

I use my cassette player all the time for my line-in adapter for my PMP's.

Is it just me (rhetoric) or does that plane look twisted and tied into the shape of a G for Giz?

@DeeDawg: My ex-b*tch of a gf owned one of the beetles back in '03 with a TDi engine. Biggest POS I have ever had to try to drag back into the dealership and ask for my money back. Was in the shop constantly. Dealer was a douche about every little thing. It turned me off VW for good...I think.

@WillyVWade: I have a DrInc. since launch. I can count on both hands the number of times I've used my optical trackpad/select button. I wouldn't miss it and would appreciate a different functional area.

@RaindropBebop: I concur. It wasn't so natively intuitive immediately, but it is now second nature. They can get rid of the optical tracker/select button unless they make a way of having that wake up my DrInc. from sleep state.

Will this thing be able to play Black Ops? Can I pass this around at Christmas in my bar and watch people take it on the chin from some 7th grader? That would be rockin' kool.

@thrashanddestroy: Those being equal, the Bionic actually has a higher native resolution. It's something to consider.

I will only accept a wrist ornament when they tell time, notify me of telephone messages, and provide a quick glance at location aware services.

@Coyote: I was living in Flagstaff in 2000. I was on a bike ride through the national forest. Ponderosa pines smothering me. I noticed an odd something. It was two hunting dogs. Retrievers or labs. Ran across my path. Right behind them were a few wolves. They were all playing. I thought I was hallucinating for a

@GuitarShredder2011: Yo. Thanks for posting the link. I'm not a big Scott Stapp fan, but Mark Tremonti is a good listen. I appreciate the heads up. Peace.

@RenRen: The actual color of the sun kills your joy? You need some anti-depressants.

Actually, our sun is white (mostly). The atmosphere distorts the color to seem yellow. But yeah...I like solar. It's a good direction.

@frostbyte.rcb: I wish I was more like you. Or could meet you and not know anything about you and learn this about you. I feel deep depression and it's almost like I need someone to keep reminding me to buck up and accept life and deal with it and move on. Your words inspire me. I wish you luck on your journey.

@Black Knight Rebel: In many ways, his writing reflected my style as well. Not only how he explains the happenings, but how he feels. It was very disconcerting to read. I felt I could have changed a few words and it would be the last thing my family saw of mine.

@LuckyHermit: I share your pain. As I read his letter, I went back to the letters I tried to write. One of them was very poignant in that it said, "I want to do it, but I also realize it is one more thing at which I will fail." I also have a young child, but her mother and I are no longer together. The loneliness and

That dude looks like he's about ready to hurl after a hard night of patrone and strippers.

I wonder when we'll quit calling them phones. They are mobile devices capable of much more than simple telephony. Maybe phone is shorter and easier to say. But being a phone is probably the 3rd or 4th most important aspect of my device.

This may be off topic, but is there any app or launcher or skin that does away with the default android swipe to unlock the phone display? I don't like the look of it. I've seen others, but I'm sure those were rooted phones. My DrInc. is stock Sense with LauncherPro. Don't ask me why I've not rooted yet. So far, I've