Carcharodon Carcharias

Agree. I grew up in South Dakota. I have moved everywhere from LA to Flagstaff, AZ to Michigan to Virginia to Wyoming to Fargo and when I don't have the night sky with no ambient light to make me feel insignificant, I deeply miss it.

@The Lab: Because. That connector does well more than just charge the device. Depending on the capability of your connection, it could facilitate audio, video, control over functionality, etc.

Slo-mo is captivating.

I'd jackhammer that atrocity off my wall because every time I'd like to know what time it is, I'd have to squint and figure out what the hell is going on.

@BoscoH: So I want this to allow me to download and run 95% of all future applications that will be available in the Android Market on the platform? OK. Really?

Why do I need this? Seriously.

@uthinkukno: I look unhealthy enough without the cancer, thank you.

I recently saw an old interview with Steve Jobs about the birth and maturation of Pixar. He was a bit overweight, but he looked like a human being rather than a head on a toothpick body.

Damn! I want to use this with my recently purchased DrInc. No luck? Perhaps they will add more devices at a later time.

@checkmitch: It gets better. How about these gems?

I dumped facebook. I grew tired of everyone living their lives vicariously through a computer to get comments and approval.

@milleronic: Or more appropriately, there would be a convergence of the two shadows emanating from the start point (feet, or ground point) and it would result in a smaller shadow. Obviously any shadow that falls into another sun's light would be washed out or invisible due to the direct light of said sun, no?

@Chernobyl: I'd like to control Scary Spice for about three hours.

This has me thinking.

@yayforjam: My immediate response is dictated by my sense of buyer's remorse I'd feel after the purchase. Pre-purchase, I'm leaning towards feeling like that's still too expensive.

@FriarNurgle: Good one. I'm wondering if you have that screen grab in stock or if you did a quick search. Either way, worth the effort.

I'm with everyone else. $300 is too much. I have Dish Network. I have a DVR. I don't need a huge expense for a fancy interface to search for programming. I thought this might come as a huge win subsidized heavily by advertising (which I would put up with), but it seems the business model revolves around profits up