Carcharodon Carcharias

@CraigJW: That don't befrund me none...long as I have my money by next Friday.

@DrewCSchultz: Dude. I hate having to hide my laughs from my office mates. You need to stop with that exaggeration. The visualization is causing this smirk to turn into a full-on belly laugh.

I would be done too. Funny it didn't break her nose or crush a zygomatic. Hell, she took it pretty well.

I'm still looking for page 32.

When I was a kid, I had to wind my watch before school every day. For some very odd reason, watching this made me miss those old watches. Once they started including the day/date in the display though, you didn't want to miss a day of winding or you had to set it all back up again.

@Preacher iTofu a.k.a. Scammer Money: Your comment holds a lot of weight, but I don't think he was there long enough to "acquire" all of the fat he cut. Innovation would be nice, but they choose to purchase their assets (Palm). It's also a bold strategy, but it does include some overhead. But I'm right there with you.

My family couldn't afford a BigTrak. But the kid in town who had everything had one. After his 15 minutes of showing it off, it collected dust in his basement along with the rest of his 15 minute toys. Damn, he had everything.

Dudes. I hate to laugh at other people's misfortune, but that top video...the woman slamming into the post and then becoming flotsam for the remainder of the video...I damn near blew water out my nose.

@xd.Balls: In order of douchebaggery, I vote Mark Cuban, then Kanye, then any high-falutin society member who thinks they are above the laws governing this country, and then this pop-culture fad. He's Vanilla Ice all over again.

@CaptCaveman: Sure. It's his fault the economy is in the gutter and HP has to cut costs. I get it now.

@LeonJoe: I don't purchase anything from iTunes. Free apps. That's it.

@ceilingFANBOY: Maybe not so much sucking (not gonna argue with you on that) but perhaps just its simplicity. That's why it was so easy to learn guitar back then. I've tried to broaden my skills to some Tool. It's a bit more of a challenge. XD

I'm ready to ditch my Dish Network for anything affordable. Hell, I'm about ready to go OTA for all of my content. If only I wasn't addicted to The Office and Seinfeld. And (American) football. And (insert pretty much any sport here).

@whatne1wuddo: You've just sparked the old flint. When I was a kid, Cinderella, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi were on MTV and although I could have been doing better things, I learned to play guitar to those songs.

I outgrew that long ago, but I have to agree that there are worse things for our society.

@sbunny: Considering spiders trap and consume most other insects that I would rather do without, I have grown to admire spiders. I won't kill them if they are in a location that they won't impede on my personal space. I even let one live in my bathroom one winter. It was a sweet cohabitation. (Sadly, that probably

I transmit "VerizonBlows" after my relentless flustercluck trying to get a phone line and Internet access in SoCal. What a bunch of tools.