Carcharodon Carcharias

@Cromwell: This dude gets an "F" for "Fuck off for wasting my time."

I can't believe I watched that disgusting display of nothingness. My 4-year-old daughter could throw rocks at that thing and make it sound much better. And she's much cuter.

Speaking Of All Caps, Why Does Every Word Of Every Giz Post Start Capitalized? Is That Traditional Format For Newspapers/Blogs?

Tahoma ftw.

@auricom: Well, it is a LIFE raft. The point would be to stay alive, right?

@ri59: Watch out for heavy metals, DDT, insecticides, herbicides, and Monsanto.

@Ccomfort: I disagree. I've seen MANY negative comments about stories, conjecture, grammar, usage, poor topics, etc. I don't think they are overly unfair to those who are critical of their methods.

@nichampagne: But they generally frown upon spamming, unrelated comments, and keeping out the riff-raff in general. Most of us appreciate it. I've been de-starred before. Got it back. I understand why they do what they do. It keeps the dialogue informative and relative. Participate at your own risk.

How about photovoltaic panels, small lithium polymer batteries, and sequencing LED strobes somewhere in there? No?

@nichampagne: I don't believe you're banned from reading, just from commenting. Which in turn, could cause enough of a sting to make you stop reading. So...yeah.

@Vishus: My phone works great for any mobile "necessities" such as browsing, checking email, etc.

According to Chris Rock, we don't pay taxes, taxes are taken from our wages. If it were up to us to pay them, we'd likely end up with defaults and charge-offs galore.

I'm still trying to figure out why I need a tablet/slate/pad. I want one, but I don't know how I would use it.

@SAThorn: All in favor signify by raising your right hand.

Slightly on topic, but perhaps not quite...does anyone know if I can rename an app on my Android 2.1 device? Some app names are strangely longer than they should be and get cut off under the icon. I know there are limited options, but I would think I could rename them if they don't describe fully the app under the

Does anyone know if this update will wipe the phone? Will the apps and contacts remain? I'm not talking about Google contacts, but others that might be in the phone only. Anyone?

@groundlessnfree: I can't see quite clearly, but is Elroy actually holding on to the leash via a hole in the canopy? That's just weird.