
I'd prefer a world people used common sense and had reading comprehension skills.
Obviously since I myself bought the season pass and pre-ordered the game I feel ENTITLED to get every dlc for free as well as every Borderlands game included as well, even if it gets to Borderlands X etc in terms of sequels.

Reading is hard for some people.

My corrosion Shrediffier still rips apart bots, how is that broken?

Was it called a Moongazer? I've been trying to figure out what it is, had a few when I was stationed on Futenma

Does anyone know if this is going to be a pvp zerg gank fest like Aion was, noticing it's made by NCSoft.

Did Lavar Burton ever guest star? I could have sworn he did :/


Just wait it out, much like Fallout NV it'll go down in price...eventually

That's not very objective or unbiased.

No, not in the least if it was a few bucks sure, otherwise no, every iteration of Fable got more and more buggier and with less appealing combat mechanics.
Never trust Peter Molyneuax(sp)

Oh, so I suppose it came out only on the Game Cube and forwent the arcade market completely?

Opinion = fact now?

I remember Soul Calibur for oddly enough the Soul Calibur chars, Nightmare specifically, it's odd to think people would remember them for the guest chars...

Flame retardant coveralls weren't that bad I wore the thick and thin ones for years working on aircraft and it really wasn't that awful.

Well, in terms of the Marine Corps, our Dress blues are totally optional.

The original research for it if I recall correctly was done by the Army though.

You really need a hug.

The thing is, he's not really reviewing it, he's asking for people's opinions.

Don't forget Fahrenheit 451!