
If you ever watched the old twilight zone how were you able to survive through that?

Trying to think of other non white/Asian males you could go as, just for shits and giggles and the ones that immediately came to mind were Rude from FFVII even though supposedly he's South American. The Black Panther but he's masked.

I know what that's like, I'm mostly Indian with a bit of white and the only thing that my friends ever suggested was Hadji which just made me want to punch them all in the throat.

I think he was being sarcastic >>

Schtack server, or w/e Chrono runs it, PSO1 and PSOBB private server.

Erm, but by having Steam trading cards, aren't you a PC gamer as well?
Why would you try to troll yourself? *boggle*

Why's that, and isn't Quakecon defunct?

You can add your fb friends or rl friends.

Breathing a huge part of it, yes :D

When I shot and was taught how o shoot it's mostly bone support not muscle.

Is this the same Monolith that made Shogo, if so I'd kill for a new Shogo game :(

Ad hominem is truly the sign of an effective argument.

Just ask people here for advice, not every PC user is an asshole, even if some of us appear to be (:

Seriously are you going to gripe on every comment stream, you're upset they don't have an EU division, so there are companies who don't have divisions for America, or other countries parts of the world etc.

That clarifies things quite a bit, thank you sir/ma'am!

I still don't understand this star/grey thing, I stopped talking on this for a while came back and new format.

Checked some other posts and saw what you meant...ugg...My faith in humanity drops so much with every passing day. :/

I can have disagreements with people but respect their opinion.
You're not a murderer or anything horrible to the best of my knowledge nor have you insulted me or anything, you answered my questions as well so thank you for the engaging conversation as well, and have a good day/night! :D

I can respect that answer, thank you sir.

Are these posts usually full of racists, if so I'm not totally sure I want to continue reading this site...