At least in the Houston metro area or the Tampa area, lived in both for years and never seen a wolf once there. One coyote and one raccoon is all.
At least in the Houston metro area or the Tampa area, lived in both for years and never seen a wolf once there. One coyote and one raccoon is all.
Thank you for being civil, it's rare to have an actual discussion at times online.
Sorry, but grey wolves really aren't an issue in the south generally, at least in Florida or Texas. So again I ask you, being as I'm dark and I do wear hoodies in inclement weather and I enjoy walking for miles on end at the evening/night time through an upscale neighborhood, does this make me a suspicious person…
I agree that the only people who knew of which one is dead the other is alive. So there's no real way of knowing. Race may have played a factor, but I wasn't there so I can't say either way. That said, I don't think walking through a neighborhood is suffucient cause to be deemed suspicious activity. I myself walk…
Well rhetoric in some cases can be construed as a terroristic threat, but I fundamentally agree with you, talk is talk and actions are actions for the most part sir.
Well, Gizmodo is a part of Gawker entertainment and there is bleedover due to articles being linked from kotaku, Jezebel etc, it happens. Best thing to do is ignore people who are asshats or trolls or hold opinions you violently disagree with.
How is that racist?
Please explain that to me?
You're just adding to it with your long bit right there sir, if you don't want it to continue then don't feed into it. I myself enjoy this dialogue and thus commented.
I myself pack, and I don't generally start fights, they get started with me just minding my own business as people have attempted to try and mug me being as I'm a tall skinny nerdy looking guy. Though to just run away from any person i see is beyond ridiculous. You do realize running away from any person you think is…
Continued, meaning that it's a-ok to shoot people if they don't run away from you, so I guess that means any dark coloured people outside any non dark people come across are fair game for a tussle and if losing to be shot? I'm just curious.
So, let me ask you this, I'm dark and I walk at night time through a fairly high end neighborhood quite often due to the heat in Texas during the day and being slightly light sensitive. Since I do often stop by a corner store to pick up junk food, if this is to happen to me I'm supposed to run or be shot? Ok, yeah,…
I'd have not put myself into that situation and instead called the police and then wait for them rather than being a vigilante.
Ad hominem is truly the sign of an effective argument.
Obviously, you're worse than Dr.Mengele due to being a user of THC~
Lol, my mech friends for 46's and 53's said the same thing, worry if you don't see Hyd fluid leaking. Speaking of which I don't think there was a single day I didn't come back to the barracks with either jp5 or Hyd fluid on my coveralls :/
O rly?
I see the relevance between this and ceiling fans that look like helicopters!
First Brazilian I met ended up being a great friend through my four years on EQ2 so I thought all Brazilians were kind, nice skilled players, sadly that didn't last long once I moved onto other games.
Although I think most gamers these days are BM and it's not due to nationality or anything like that.
Epeen, plain and simple.
Now I feel stupid for getting my rank four Borderlands badge ._.
You could always give it one fat man, that usually takes care of most things! :D