The show, billed as an everyman-style sitcom, will star George Lopez, and follow him and his Latino friends throughout their various attempts to find work in the struggling economy, often being forced to settle for menial jobs that under-pay and provide little to no financial security net.
Well, at least that solves one mystery.
You know, you could have just said 'Bayonne'.
Oh Fawkin' Hell.
[Outside Fenway Park, later this afternoon]
Said Pearlman 'I knew Ditka might not be happy about everything in the book, but I never thought he would use such sharp language. Getting stabbed in the back by someone who I've always thought was a stand-up guy- it just really, really hurts. I guess the gloves have come off.'
The Stickney Water Reclamation Plant...
Pictured: An early 90s Tom Arnold, immediately following oral stimulation of wife Rosanne Barr
I'm not sure it matters if she's 'good for them' or not- I don't think she'd qualify as kohser.
You could remove the entire story and framework of the article and the image of John Fox would still have me laughing hysterically.
It's still early in the season to be frustrated, but I mean fans are asking for Tebow. Why not give us a little dose of him.
Ironically, OneFlush was the name of the parental planning organization that Pam Tebow contacted when she first learned of her unexpected pregnancy.
Also when 'Andy Roddick flips out' is the number three auto-fill for 'Andy Roddick' on YouTube, it's probably not everyone else that has the problem.
Without a union, it's tough for us to complain about anything.
Hey, Craig Kilborn! Don't Worry, The Internet Has Found You a Job.