
After I went to the Combat Zone I totally had the feeling of “Is that all there is?” to the point that I checked a wiki to see if I hadn’t accidentally missed a quest there.

“I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture.”

NO! Says the man in Moscow, it belongs to everyone!

‘No!’ says the man in the Vatican, ‘It belongs to God.’

No! says the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor.

Is man not entitled to the sweat from his brow?

Oh, I see what you meant. The 1 point was for the moldy old Hustler I found under the tool cabinet in the back while you went to spray lysol on the drill for my cavity. 10/10 would read that moldy lad rag again.

No. Pets are fine in a dental office/autobody shop. I took offense to you using your personal butterknives.


Transphobia is more than just a disagreement or freedom of speech. It’s dangerous ignorance. Imagine if there was a speech on how homophobia is a mental disease. If people are respecting gays now, then transpeople need that respect too. This mentality is not just a point of view. It’s fuel to transphobic crimes. Trans

And why did they even bother having it when it was optional? Precisely the people who didn’t need it would volunteer, and precisely those who did would not.

As a professor I am frankly shocked that of all the trainings and orientations I have attended at various schools I have never once been told “don’t fuck a student.” Which might explain why I know so many male professors who have dated / married graduate students.

“physician and attorney." Holy humblebrag.

To add to what Patricia says, he is playing the game, but without the control pad. Remember, the volume is off and he’s providing all those voices.

Exactly. I agree that the childcare situation in this country is sad and we need better options for working-class women. I even agree that employers should be flexible about children in the workplace in emergency situations.

It amazes me how bad professionals in reproductive health can be at their jobs and specifically bedside manner.

You’re in the medical field, so you should know that oil pulling does nothing. Yes, it turns white by the time you spit it out, but that’s not toxins. That’s air bubbles/turbidity.

Well, it’s not a myth, it’s true for a lot of women, but definitely not all.

Thanks for posting this! I was always curious as to what happened in this and it’s basically what we suspected - a pissing match due to Activision.