
My wife left the military this past spring due to her being trans. While she is super excited for this news she said there is not enough of a sign on bonus for her to ever go back into the military. All the bullshit they put us through, even if this passed while she was still in she would of still resigned when her

Hell I work in denistry and I only see that kind of money after 10 or so days of work; and I helped pulled way more than 2 teeth lol.

I guess I just wonder why there is the gendering in this bill then???

What about Buddhist men marrying non-Buddhist partners?? Do they get a free pass?

You won’t be alone to deal with it; you’’l have other family and friends to help you.

As an only child my parents invited my two similarly aged cousins on vacations. If they couldn’t go I was allowed to invite a friend. Problem solved.

I wonder if this will extend to families who choose to adopt. Anyone know?

I think it goes back to society thinking the world starts and ends with sex, that sex is compulsory and mandatory in relationships. The idea that there is something medically wrong with you having a naturally lower/non existent sex drive (the whole ‘female viagra’ thing omg I fucking hate it all)

I was reading on a website somewhere that said that not having sex with your spouse is emotional abuse. I just sat there in awe, not wanting to belive what I was reading was real. The worst part: about 100 other agreed with that article. I can’t find it for the life of me now but how does simply not having sex count

She knows this is a part of who I am, that it isn’t rejection or a lack of interest due to stress. The sheer amount of emotional turmoil we went through trying to “fix” me was unbearable; no words can describe the hopelessness and sadness we went through. Finally realizing we can move on was a huge step forward. As

I belive you are an alien because only alien commies hate cookie dough ice cream.

Before I realized that I honestly hated every aspect of sex, I wanted to want sex...if that makes sense. So off we went to the therapist to help us out. She told us the 2x a week deal and we did that for a while. She even pittied me and my lack of a sex drive, saying “ became an adult with none of the benefits.”

People will hate all they want. What I see is a female muppet in a sea of male ones and children will see this one self identify as a feminist - to me this teaches young girls that feminist is not a label of shame but one of pride - one that their childhood stars claims. That she can kick butt, get what she wants, and

Usually in promos like this they are scripted to hell and back. Who actually thinks reality TV is actually reality?

Probably because schools take up a lot of room and if the neighborhood was established first they probably don’t want to knock down houses to build a school. Most of the schools in our area are in commercial districts or just near nothing at all; like half a mile to the nearest business.

I love flowers, but not cut ones. Take me to the store to purchase flowers that will live for years in the garden for the same price as ones that are cut and will die in a week. Nothing against people who enjoy cut flowers, I just prefer gardening my flowers.

Who the fuck lives so close to a school they can walk to it? But maybe my area is weird and the schools are located nowhere near residential areas. Is it seriously that common to have major schools near residential areas?

Worst part: the reason for throwing away the food was because employees would eat the damaged food on break; to prevent employees ‘accidentally’ damaging food to then eat later they provided the policy to destroy perfectly good food.

I worked at a major chain store that sold packaged food. In my experience most of the we had to throw away was simply due to the packaging being torn while opening the boxes.

I stream my games. I am by no means anywhere popular, but I do have a small following. So I guess I have an opinion on this.