
agreed. We went camping, canoeing, swimming, and other outdoorsy stuff in our GS troop.

if someone was that sensitive over that I wouldn't be having sex with them anyway.

I have a friend who is studying to be a counselor. This is what she told me from the current DSM: There are two diagnosis depending on your gender. (Non binary people and trans people can go fuck themselves) Basically if you are asexual and never had a desire for sex the treatment plan consists of going through

And it only changed for certain sexualities. Being a sex adverse asexual still warrants a diagnosis with a "treatment plan"

According to the newest version of the DSM being a sex adverse asexual is a dysfunction with a treatment plan to fix us. I assure you that my "treatment" did not fix me, only broke my spirits more. BTW, this took place between 2009-2012. LBGT people like to focus on the "bigger fish" to deal with, but I was still

I second this. I spend so many hours building a home considering the smallest details, researching home interior styles, and floor plans. From what I gathered they really have streamlined the building process for people which naturally makes us builders sad. I loved how complicated it was, I could bend and break so

I am also a builder. Your posts have confirmed what I have suspected about the Sims 4 building mode. I am sad, but they can't take my Sims 3 away.

Come join the builders side of the Sims. I do nothing in the Sims but build houses and it's fucking awesome

There's a baby afterward! You can put the baby in cute clothes!

Then these people are going to hell for not killing their kid. Eitherway the Bible is contradictory and a horrible source to base morals on.

I can get some sort of satisfaction that atleast when I am burning in hell for being teh gayz these people will be next to me.

If his family was so quick to assault him I doubt it was the first time.

These people disowning children based on their sexuality on the idea God does not like it are just damning themselves to hell.

These "Christians" seem to be damning themselves to hell.

I don't know of anyone who wore their mothers wedding dress. Even if I wanted to I was not the same size as my mom when I got married so I couldn't.

Oh noes, how horrible now that ALS is known by taking that.

True, but they do not need to be discussed in the same video.

How has the culture surrounding law enforcement encouraged what happened in Ferguson, in your opinion?

I think this is the wrong attitude to take. Yeah, the ALS bucket thing is a fad but now millions of more people know that it exists - if you suffer from a rare medical condition you'll take almost any publicity you can get. I definitely think what is happening in Ferguson and across the country with the police needs

I'd like to think, on top of the other mentioned reasons, that the internet and its access to proper sex education without the need of parental approval is also a huge factor. Of course there is also tons of misinformation online too but I know around 2002-2006 when I was in high school I learned way more about sex